The Dem's are playing politics with our national security just like they did with the hurricanes. Bush has been going out saying that Dem's have changed their story about supporting the war effort. There is a web site that I truly think is might be slightly left leaning, but the facts are there. Here is the site, and here is some of the report:
House passed the Iraq resolution Oct. 10, 2002 by a vote of 296-133. The Senate passed it in the wee hours of Oct. 11, by a vote of 77-23. A total of 81 Democrats in the House and 29 Democrats in the Senate supported the resolution, including some who now are saying Bush misled them.
A point worth noting is that few in Congress actually studied the intelligence before voting. The Washington Post reported: "The lawmakers are partly to blame for their ignorance. Congress was entitled to view the 92-page National Intelligence Estimate about Iraq before the October 2002 vote. But . . . no more than six senators and a handful of House members read beyond the five-page executive summary."
You can read the report to see their analysis on the intelligence give. The fact is that they had classified documents given, they didn't read them, and voted to support the President. At some point can liberals stop trying to ignore history? You do it with Iraq when you get mad that the country doesn't have a Starbucks on every corner three days after we invaded...
In 2004 the Senate Intelligence Committee said, in a report adopted unanimously by both Republican and Democratic members:
So the intelligence turned out to be faulty...but that is not Bush's fault. Dem's are making up stories again when they say Bush is lying. Of course, they can get away with it because the MSM does nothing about it.Senate Intelligence Committee: The Committee did not find any evidence that intelligence analysts changed their judgments as a result of political pressure, altered or produced intelligence products to conform with Administration policy, or that anyone even attempted to coerce, influence or pressure analysts to do so. When asked whether analysts were pressured in any way to alter their assessments or make their judgments conform with Administration policies on Iraq'’s WMD programs, not a single analyst answered "yes" (p273)
Ya, and then its the Dem's that whine and complain about charactassassinationion...I wish I could feel what it would be like to be a Dem. and get to take both sides of the story, have my cake and eat it too.
You had me going for a minute, too. I almost fell out of bed...I'm using my laptop on my nightstand, from my sick bed...feels more like a death bed though. But dang that was a good one Game!
Nice note, whit =)
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