Thursday, November 03, 2005

What is really happening in our schools?

I have been reluctant to write about this, but I think the time is right. I have seen what the lack of expectations, discipline and consequences has produced. I see first hand every day what happens when people's immoral and destructive actions are appeased. Here are a two stories for you...

Last week, before school, a group of parents came to school. They either watched kids beat up other kids by the bus stop...or help kids beat up other kids. This is not uncommon. Parents come to school all the time looking to fight other kids. The punishment is nothing. Cops have to come and everyone "talks"

At another high school, guns are found in the garbage can, 21 squad cars are called into school multiple times. Of course, the problem is not the students or the kids, but the teachers and the structure of the school. This is the problem...People are not responsible for themselves...It is societies fault, or the white mans fault, or racism, or slavery, or lack of jobs, or drugs, or, or, or...
So this is what you get...

At a K through 8 school, a riot occurred with all 60 8th grade students. The riot ended with many, many classrooms destroyed and a student stabbed. The SWAT team was called in to calm the situation. Central office was never called because the Principal did not want the school to look bad.....There is the problem....the school is bad, the kids are bad....teachers are scared to go to school, they lock themselves in their rooms, they fear for their lives....

What page of the newspaper are these stories on???? Page nada. Why? People don't want to hear or report the truth....they don't want to know that much of their city is a war zone, a third world country. There are people all around making sure that things never change. Expectations are kept low, excuses are made, consequences do not fit the crime, the participants could give a shit.

What do we do about it? More programs? Reparations? Blame? Money? What????

My only and simple answer is to start bringing personal responsibility back to the inner cities. It has to be done from the inside, by their own leaders. That is all I have for an answer...everything tried so far has been a 100% complete failure.


Mary said...

Thanks for your candidness, Game.

I agree. The answer is accountability, on both personal and community levels.

Inadequate funding isn't the problem. The refusal to be take responsibility for one's choices and actions is.

It's a lot easier to blame someone else, everyone else, and claim victim status than it is to admit to one's own failings and inadequacies.

I think society has a twisted way of looking at education. It shouldn't be seen as something that's "given" to students. It's more accurate to think of an education as something that the students must work to acquire.

Effort on the part of students and parents is mandatory, not an option.

The Game said...

my father always said school was my job...that is not the message is where you get free lunch and a place to practice how to get out of doing any workp

Mark said...

Game, A student was found with a loaded gun at my son's school last week. The administrators reaction to this was to assure us that they will try to be more diligent on the future. I wrote about it in my blog.

Anonymous said...

i have gone to suburban schools all my life so i cannot relate to this type of behavior. i saw it in movies, or maybe saw it on the news. recently i sat in on a few hours in a city school and although there was no major drama, there was several altercations in the lunch room, one of which stemming from one student touching another student's tray. this is beyond my comprehension. at the root of every incident, it seems that someone is being "disrepected". this is complete bullshit. how can you be disrepected when you have no respect for yourself to begin with. if these individuals had any respect for themselves they would try to do better in school instead of looking for someone to point a finger at and place blame on for their failure. i think that is the biggest problem right now is that as long as there is an easy way out, it will be exploited. if students today would try to succeed instead of using their resources to find ways NOT to succeed, they would be A students.

Anonymous said...

Dear anonymous coward:

I went to suburban school my whole life. There are more drugs in the suburban schools than any inner city one, and just as much violence. Nobody wants to hear that, either.

Anonymous said...

I found this on boortz. For God's sake! What is up with this crap?!

I am so appalled at this:


If you are sending your child to a government school for their daily programming, chances are overwhelming that your bundle of joy is going to wind up becoming a liberal Democrat. Today, courtesy of The Los Angeles Unified School District, we're going to show you how it's done.

There was a Bush-bashing rally being held in Los Angeles the other day. It was called "The World Can't Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime." Eager for as many people to attend as possible, the school district allowed 800 high school students from 10 schools to walk right out of class to attend. No word if they were given extra credit for their participation.

On top of that, adult staff were supplied to accompany them, and buses were provided for their return. That's right...taxpayer money being spent for the whole thing. Now stop and ask yourself something for a minute...suppose an anti-Hillary Clinton rally were being held. Would the same courtesy be extended? Of course not. The students wouldn't even be given the time of day to attend.

But because it was an event protesting the evil George Bush....the liberal, leftist, bedwetting school administration jumped right on board. Those who send their children off to be indoctrinated in government schools should take note.

Anonymous said...

Violence in public schools, and excuses made for the kids committing the violent acts isn't a new phenomenom. In the late 1980's, when my oldest son was in Junior High, he was threatened repeatedly with a knife (at school, in the hallways) by a Hispanic kid. Did my son do anything to instigate these attacks? No, the Hispanic kid was jealous because my son was blond, very handsome, and lots of girls were attracted to him. He told the school officials these very same words. Was he ever disciplined for having a switchblade at school? Was he ever even verbally admonished? Certainly not! Was I ever reassured that the school officials would make sure my son was not harmed? Certainly not! That might damage the poor Hispanic kid's ego.
The next week I took all of my sons out of public schools and put them in a private Christian school. It was the best decision I ever made for their future.

Maybe Rhyno, part of your problem is that you have been so sheltered by being in suburban schools your whole life, that you don't really know how it is in inner city schools. Makes sense.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that instead of the Hispanic student being admonished/disciplined for having a knife at school, and stalking and threatening my son....when I went in to discuss the problem with the school officials, I was the one who got close to an hour lecture of how this Hispanic kid came from a single parent family, his mother (the parent) was addicted to drugs, an alcoholic, and that social services was providing counseling for the 13 year old child, had been making good progress, and they didn't want to suspend him from school, or be confrontational with disciplinary measures, because it might cause a setback to his counseling. Unfreaking believable! Sad but true. That was when I decided I didn't want any of my children spending most of their days being influenced by those idiots governing and teaching in public schools. Sorry Game, present company excluded. My mother taught in public schools, and was even a superintendent of schools, and she was all for me taking my kids out, and putting them in private school. Public schools run on the liberal philosophies for the most part. They are not what they used to be. They are pitiful.

The Game said...

if you really think there is as much violence and unrest at a suburban school you are simply an uninformed, braindead idiot...plain and simple.

This is what the left does...they don't want to deal with problems or accuse minorities of ANY wrong doing, so they just say EVERYBODY does it....

I can't believe anyone who doesn't drool on themselves all day would think that a Milwaukee Public School was in anyway the same as any suburban school. WOW

Have you ever been in an MPS building? Have you been in one in the last 5 years? Where the hell do you come up with this?

The drug comment is a different story...there probably are more drugs in suburban schools.

The Game said...

you understand the problem...Liberal administrators want to make excuses for the kids, they believe that because they are minorities they need special treatment...the standards need to be lowered...that is why things are the way they are...

When a good conservative principal is in place, there is order. Appropriate punishments are handed out, and kids know they have to stay in line or they have to leave...

Anonymous said...

Dude, you know how old I am. When was the last time I was in school? I have worked at suburban schools since then, but not really on the kid level.
When, are you going to realize that everyone who disagrees with you or has a differing opinion is not a lefty? When you and Stephanie are SO out on the fringe that I, yes I, am considered the left, you gotta stop and look around dude. She may be a fool, but I know you are smarter than that. For no other reason, if you called me one, your whole leftist-pussy ideal would be thrown out the window. She claims liberals dont get laid? I mean, really, she just said some dude threatened her son with a a knife cuz he was blond and handsome, while the knife wielder was Hispanic. Really? Come on......sounds like that proposed great intelligence of hers is more fallacy or fantasy than reality, unless its all rapped up into paranoia. How liberal of her. Its your blog, and you can say whatever you want, dude...but be sensible. My hangover pulsates when I read this. :)

Anonymous said...

Rhyno, you really can't read any better than a second grader. It was the Hispanic kid himself that told the school officials that the reason he attacked my son was because he was jealous that my son was blond, handsome, and popular. It wasn't anything that I dreamt up. Game is right once again, you must be brain dead and drooling all over yourself. Might be from that steady drinking you do. Your excuse for anything, seems to be that it is the fault of the hangover you have.

Anonymous said...

sure....I almost believe that. As always, you beat me to the punch of describing how lackluster your arguments are when you start blah blah blahing about me being sheltered, or name calling. Grow up.

Anonymous said...

Rhyno, you were the one doing the 'name calling' in your whining and carrying on about me to Game. Your whiny post about me to Game reminds me of a small child saying but, but, but,....daddy...why...
I just pointed out that, as usual you didn't read correctly, if at all before you started in on your usual 'I hate Stephanie Rose, she's stupid', 'she said this' whining routine. The Hispanic kid is the one who said he was jealous, so why did you say I said it? It was all part of his 'feel sorry for me because I'm the minority' routine. Kids can be very manipulative, they are very smart about how to push the right buttons to get away with crap. No doubt you were drunk, as usual, or just can't read very well, even when sober? I use sarcasm to point out your fallacies. So? You sure do plenty of whining about it whenever I do! It's best you grow up, and take it like a man, instead of whining like a drunken liberal.

The Game said...

I know I started the name calling...and actually I am going to apologize...not productive..

and you are possibly right on one more thing...I know I lump everyone who doesn't agree with me as a liberal....probably not fair...

I am still going to stand up for my opinions; of course I believe mine are correct.

MPS buildings are completely fucked up...let me be the expert on this one.

Lets lay of the name calling and bullshit comments....lets levae that for sites like Ron's.

Anonymous said...

Boortz at his best:


It seems some parents were not all that pleased with some sex education courses and materials that were being used in their own government schools. (Serves them right.) So ... they filed suit. They lost. The 9th Circuit wrote that "there is no fundamental right of parents to be the exclusive provider of information regarding sexual matters to their children.... Parents have no due process or privacy right to override the determinations of public schools as to the information to which their children will be exposed while enrolled as students."

So ... aren't you so proud that you are one of those wonderful parents who have turned your children over to the government to be "educated." Now you get some idea as to just how the government views your role in this matter.


Again, taking my children out of public schools was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It cost a pretty penny, and I had to scrimp throughout the process, but it was worth every dime.

Anonymous said...

"Do we really think that a government-dominated education is going to produce citizens capable of dominating their government, as the education of a truly vigilant self-governing people requires?" [Alan Keyes]

Come on, folks. Do you have to be hit in the head by a hammer?