This is why many people think lefties are crazy idiots.
This why I can say with confidence that the Left is the party that hates free speech and is not here:
Nevertheless, Code Pink is calling for parents to boycott purveyors of pretend weaponry. Fair enough, I suppose. If American parents really think that a cowboy hat and plastic six shooter will turn their little darling into a senseless killer, then by all means: Send a message by buying "The Rainforest Playset" or "Sensitivity: The Boardgame" instead. Voting with your dollars — it's the free market at work. Code Pinkers horrified by a foam ninja throwing stars or a water gun can avoid these things and argue that others should too.
Yet Code Pink goes way beyond the venerable boycott. While the group urges activists to don pink camouflage and distribute sidewalk propaganda on the evils of war toys, it also instructs would-be peace warriors to pursue their campaign inside stores.
One suggested tactic is the "buy and return." The idea is for activists themselves to purchase war toys and then head straight to customer service. There they return the offending products while engaging in a verbal strike — imploring managers to take "violent" toys off the shelves and pestering fellow customers about war toys' dangers. (Certainly, there's no better way to win converts than to gum up the return and exchange lines during the holiday rush.) Code Pink suggests pre-arranging local media to cover the impending ruckus.
At least Code Pink's "buy and return" silliness is probably legal. Operation "Stick It To 'Em," however, encourages activists to deface private property by placing surgeon general-style warning labels on offending toys. The Code Pink website includes helpful samples that, they explain, are easily printed on sticky mailing labels. One sums up the heart of the campaign: "Violent Toys=Violent Boys."
Another example of liberals not getting their way, so they resort to illegal practices to get what they want. They are preventing people from doing what they want. They are not actually doing anything to change anyone's mind, just scaring them or making it so hard to buy a boys toy that many people simply give up. I have written about this before. I never got a response to this question: "Why is it that the Left is the side that protests and sues to stop people who think differently from them." The only case I can think of from the right is people at abortion clinics. So thats one group vs thousands on the other side.It makes it even more disgusting that the Left and the MSM gets people to believe THEY are the side that is tolerant....when it is clear that they are not tolerant of ANY idea that is not their own.
I am buying humanzee some pink camo for Christmas.
All I gotta say is that 50% of my toys, growing up, were war toys.
Who cares what Code Pink is? You folks pick up on every radical lunatic fringe group that might be somehow considered left of center and attempt to equate them with "the left", "liberals", "the Democratic Party." It's a bunch of hogwash (that's bullshit for Espella Humanzee's sake, lest he think I'm a pussy).
The KKK is right of center (any argument on that?) yet I've never heard anyone say that the "right", "conservatives", "Republican Party" burns crosses, lynches blacks and jews, and beats up Catholics. There are "conservative" groups who believe that it is justified to kill doctors who perform legal abortions, and there are those who HAVE killed doctors who performed legal abortions. Yet I've never heard anyone claim that the "right", "conservatives", "the Republican Party" kills or advocates killing doctors.
Whit's cut and paste about Code Pink, PETA, EarthFirst, whomever, is a waste of time. If you think we should know about them, put up a link for us to read about them. But don't try to claim that they in any way represent the vast majority of the "left", "liberals", or "the Democratic Party."
You may be misinforming the uninformed and frightened, but you are not fooling anyone who cares to read, learn, and think for themselves.
The reason it is easy to connect the leftie organizations to the democratic party is because democrats will sometimes echo the crazy people's language and there are SO MANY crazy liberal groups....I said the abortion people were really the only group you could site, and the KKK really doesn't do anything anymore....
And YES, you on the Left DO say all republicans are racist...remember the Willie Horton ad? George Bush basically dragged a black man behind a truck...or the Democratic ad that said if you elect a Republican more blakc churches will burn...
Man Jim,
I just kicked your ass...and it feels good...Happy Festivus you crazy liberal...
Cindy She-hag, Howard "our troops can't win" Scream, Michael "Mockumentary" Moore, etc., are embraced by the left. The left primarily embraces their kooks (even promoting them to DNC chief), while the right primarily renounces theirs.
As for the left not embracing the CodePink kooks:
Dean posing with Code Pinkos
'Nuff said.
Oh, yeah: Merry CHRISTmas! :)
Sorry Jim, Jon adds to your don't want to admit it, but the left embrasses the crazy groups while the Right never takes pics with abortion protesters or the KKK...
I didn't say YOU personally claimed Republicans were racist, but your party does CONSTANTLY...
And if your side wasn't the side of the crazies...why do they always "move right" to win elections? Even the MSM says they do
I would like to commend Jim for actually debating this issue and not resorting to name calling and hate speech...but I do notice you are more angry lately....especially with EH and Steph on my site...are you okay? Really, I mean it. Even though we debate I really am not judging your character or personality...I know steph and EH do at times, but I just like debating....hope you understand that...and Merry Christmas....or Happy Festivus
"The right primarily renounces theirs"
Are you kidding me? Have you EVAR heard of the Christian Coalition? Thats a walking freakshow from top to bottom. bot NOOOOOOOOObody wants to say that cuz they are a religious group. They are complete nutjobs.
don't see that...because they believe in marriage between a man and a woman?
Because they don't want to kill unborn babies?
That is crazy, to a liberal
If you list is as lame as your recent post about the unemployment numbers being bad, approval rating baeing low, and no proof of voter fraud after I gave 3 or 4 cases just from the city you live in, then don't bother...
Is someone just saying they are rhyno and typing really stupid crap?
Nobody's kicking my behind. You can't kick behind with absurdities. The KKK is liberal? Right!
Jim, who posted the stuff below about how nice the leftists are, not saying anything mean about the Republicans, must not have been listening. The leftists are always claiming that Republicans are crazy, right wing extremists who want to oppress minorities, murder doctors, and provide free guns for everyone (keeping in mind that before the recent concealed carry laws were passed, the arguments were not about whether crime rates would decrease monotonically and uniformly in every village and county, but whether blood would run in the streets as deep as the horses' bridles for 200 miles or only up to the stirrups). The one thing that the leftists have a great talent for is crying about what is wrong; it is up to the rest of us to find solutions to those problems, because the left doesn't have any.
And when, as with the above mentioned concealed carry laws, we do find something to do that has a positive effect on quality of life (and continuance of life) they absolutely stonewall about admitting that it works. Even the "Project Exile" which is an odd one because it is enforcement of the 1968 gun control law and is promoted by the NRA, was steadfastly ignored by the Clinton administration. One might naively think that the leftists would have supported enforcement of a gun control law, but that one says that a convicted felon can't have a gun; it is easy to enforce, because criminals do things that get them arrested, and there can be little doubt as to their guilt if they are found to have a gun; it works like using the income tax law against Big Al, it takes the criminals off the street. The resulting reduction in crime makes the public feel safer, and they are less likely to support passing more gun control laws. Another reason for disliking Project Exile is that leftists don't like putting anyone in jail, no matter how heinous the crime. There may be other reasons that I don't know about.
It probably is true that some liberals are more extreme than others; Kennedy, and Kerry, and Boxer, and Feinstein, and Schumer, are names that come to mind (see, I'm anti-Catholic and anti-semitic); but, that doesn't mean that the more moderate leftists have a lot of good ideas or that anyone ought to pay any attention to them.
And, aside from maybe Bob Dole's speech writers, the one person who did the most to re-elect Bill Clinton and promote the liberal agenda was Timoth McVeigh. Fortunately, he is gone now, so the leftists can't let him out of jail to kill again, as they prefer to do.
"The KKK is right of center (any argument on that?) yet I've never heard anyone say that the "right", "conservatives", "Republican Party" burns crosses, lynches blacks and jews, and beats up Catholics. There are "conservative" groups who believe that it is justified to kill doctors who perform legal abortions, and there are those who HAVE killed doctors who performed legal abortions. Yet I've never heard anyone claim that the "right", "conservatives", "the Republican Party" kills or advocates killing doctors."
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