This is the week when pundits busily mobilize their year-end data and conclude what a great year it's been. The year 2005 truly has been upbeat for the media world, unless you consider that:
- Box office is down 5%, and a couple of the major studios are wracked by rumors of management change.
- Album sales have dwindled by 7.8%, and volume at Virgin Megastores alone is down nearly 20%.
- Videogame sales are sagging badly despite the heralded introduction of the Xbox 360.
- The Time WarnerTime Warner monolith is celebrating Christmas by continuing its layoffs, while Sony circles the wagons in response to its intense divisional problems.
- The TV business seems caught in a technological no man's land; everyone knows the ground is shifting, but no one is sure how to adjust.
To be sure, there must be a bright side to this picture -- it's just hard to peel away the layers of paranoia to find it. The upshot is a curious form of creative paralysis: Difficult times must breed new ideas, but are there enough new ideas to reverse the tide?
Why weren't there more breakout hits during 2005? In the videogame industry, for example, only three of the top 10 games were actually released during 2005 -- the rest were holdovers. Film critics are struggling to fill out their lists of the "10 best." Creative executives in the TV and music businesses are being hammered by their bosses, who are asking why the machinery for producing hits seems to have broken down (as though breakthrough ideas were ever produced by machinery).
This is very interesting considering liberals are supposed to be the creative artsy fartsy types. Movies mostly suck, most new music sucks....and people are not buying any of it. Hollywood stars like to talk down to us about what we should think, well, we are telling them their talent and product sucks. They make movies that are so simple and stupid, even the average American can't stand them.
Anyone have any other reason for this poor data?
they are in denial like the MSM...they lose money and can't figure out why
Somewhere along the line the Hoyywood folks got the idea that their marginally educated political opinions mattered. The American public has gotten pretty fed up with Jane Fonda, Sean Penn, Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon, etc. etc. trying to make believe they know how to run the country. These people can't even run their own lives and wouldn't qualify to be elected as dogcatcher.
its even more funny when you think about the fact that most of them have public high school educations and they are calling people in the government with masters degrees from Harvard and Yale
How do you put conservative values into pop music? Also, I find it to be crap because of its musical (un)quality, not because of any message which tends to be pretty generic, anyway. Movies, you are a lot more correct on, though.
On a different note, true artists and creative people tend to score in the middle or are completely apolitical. Thats according to standardized tests, not polls or other bogus crap.
I agree that people who stay out of politics and just try and entertain do better...
actors especially...when we watch them we need to have a blank slate...when we hear them talk trash all the time, their acting is not believable...
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