The Left and the MSM present a reality that never comes true. Everything is terrible, everything sucks. Well, that is what they hope happens, because that is the only way they can get their power back...a few predictions:
Co-host Mike Jerrick: "What do you think’s going to happen Sunday?"
FNC reporter Steve Harrigan, just back from
— FNC’s Fox & Friends, January 28, two days before
"I’m Bob Schieffer. It just keeps getting worse in
— Schieffer beginning the May 19 CBS Evening News.
Chris Matthews: "What does it smell like over there [in
— Exchange on MSNBC’s Hardball January 28, just before
"In other parts of the Sunni Muslim heartland tonight, it looks as if the election process has been rejected. In many places we’re told the polling stations didn’t even open. This is a huge problem for
— ABC’s Peter Jennings on the January 30 World News Tonight, just hours after voting ended in
It must be really depressing having to think like liberals do all the time...
Monday, December 26, 2005
The MSM presents gloom and doom
Posted by
The Game
11:29 AM
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Game, thanks for the invite to come over to your blog for a visit.
For background, I am an independent and not particularly in love with either major political party.
I believe that the media is accurately portraying the situation in Iraq. The reason that their predictions of Election Day violence did not come true was because of the incredible security measures that virtually shutdown the country each time.
It is thanks to our forces that allowed people to go to the polls and vote. It is a fallacy to believe that Iraqi citizens spontaneously become peaceful on election days because of their love for democracy.
Those on the left who see only pessimism and those on the right who see only optimism will undoubtedly both be disappointed with the results in Iraq. That is just my prediction.
madmustard is right on the mark. Things will never be all one way or the other. My problem with the lefties is they will never give ANY credit to anything initiated by GWB. The fact still remains he is the duly elected commander in chief.
Well Don,
many Kool-aide drinkers will also tell you that Bush cheated to be elected too...
I agree that things are not all good or all bad...but which way are they protrayed on TV??? My point is that is is way too much bad, and for a reason.
Thats cuz Boosh is a buffoon. Cheney is his brains, and Rumsfeld is his balls. Oh, and whats up with Jennings comment? Was it incorrect, or you just wanna pick on a dead man, game) :/
sunni's voted in good numbers in that election...and even better numbers this time...things are going fantastic...if things got more fucked up, they would still be good...but you only believe that if you understand history...many liberals do not
Game, I do sympathize with your desire for good news to come out of Iraq. I am sure that there is some if it were safe enough for reporters to leave the Green Zone to cover it. Over a hundred journalists have died during the Iraq war.
For our troops to risk their lives to accompany the press to wander the countryside to cover good news is not an acceptable risk, and what purpose does that serve to accomplish our mission now, of training Iraqi troops?
I angered many of my friends over a year ago when they would send me those ‘happy talk’ emails about troops rebuilding schools in Iraq. If our men and women are taking enemy fire, I could give a damn about building schools in Iraq. That is not their job.
In 2004, the administration line was that good things were taking place in Iraq that would win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. The press covered many of those stories, but what has happened since? We did not run into trouble with the Iraqis because the press did not write enough good stories for the American public.
I think that the Bush administration has finally realized that it is better to level with the American people about the difficulties and try a more realistic PR line with the public. To sex-up the good news and ignore the bad does not serve anyone’s interests. Middle America is smarter than the politicians often give them credit. They can separate the reality from the spin.
I just do not believe things are as bad as the average joe or average newscast shows...
There are good things happening in Iraq. I read some examples in the radically left San Francisco Chronicle just today.
But Game, REALLY. "Things are going fantastic"? By what measure could one describe the situation in Iraq as "fantastic"?
Bush didn't cheat to win either election!! (Rove did.) Please pass the Kool-aid. No, no, I'll have what Game is drinking.
I have much more in court rulings of things that happened in Milwaukee than you have for the entire united states...period..
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