Spending is lower for low-income, minority students
Very interesting story. It is a fact that rich, high socio-economic areas spend more money per student than poor minority communities. It is also a fact that since the poor minority communities create their own destructive environments, schools have to do more to try and help the kids catch-up.
It is another socialist nightmare. The poor communities have gotten so used to the government taking care of basic human needs that they think they do not have to do it. These parents don't have to feed their kids, they don't have to get them to school, they don't have to discipline them, make sure they are doing their homework, or even making sure they get to school. They don't have to buy their own school supplies either. So, all these things the school tries to do because the parents won't cost money. So a poor school district like MPS that has kids who need the most help in the state, have to waste their money on security, free bus passes and social workers.
The best line in this article:
But John Bohte, an education professor at UWM, says money isn't the only problem.
"Part of the solution to these problems lies with parents, because no amount of spending is going to matter if parents are not actively involved in seeing that their children attend school and stay in school."
Amen brother
Pretty true, as I see it except for two things.
One, communities dont create the problem, individuals within the communities create the problems(I know, semantics).
Two, Bushie put a much bigger burden on the schools with his No Child Left Behind Act. Any situation(hungry) with kids that may impact their academic success is covered. The exact wording in that bill states that the schools have broad use of the federal funds to have 'the most positive impact on the students they serve'. Its just another piece of crap legislation that looks good, but i sriddled with flaws.
NCLB does have problems, but if you were in school you would see that teachers and administrators are scared to death of it....which means they are working much harder to get kids to read and have the basic skills to pass the test. There is no doubt that this law requires way to much testing, but because if it there are learning teams, reading committees, tutoring, ect...
It works much better than simply throwing money at the school.
When I read a comment like rhyno's that includes yet an insulting variation of the President's name, I tune right out. It's yet another indication that these demented liberal idiots have absolutely no regard for conservatives as fellow citizens or their opinions so why should I bother with what they say?
Conversely, why do they bother posting to our sites if they despise us so much? I getting tired of having civil debates with these cretins with little or no results.
BTW. The No Child Left Behind was needed because school admins were doing little to solve the tutoring needs that school admins were neglecting. My child's success is direct result of that program. Her Texas teachers were thrilled that they had the tool to force school admins to pay attention to her needs.
Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you Texas.
EH echoed what I said about the benefit about the NCLB law.
I partially agree with EH too about people like rhyno, jim and Ron...but not completely....I'm sure they believe we simply defend everything Bush says and hate ever liberal idea ever. I have proved that untrue on my blog and rons...
But what is worse is when you go to a blog like Ron's, that is when you see the true colors of a liberal. Liberal blogs are a clear example of the fact that liberals hate for free speech....they only love THEIR speech...I try not to simply insult the liberals who come here...and every now and then they make okay points...
I think EH goes to liberal blogs more than I do, so I understand his frustration....I love to debate, but you can't debate with people who only want to silence your opinion....Just go to Ron's blog or any other liberal blog and say anything conservative and see what happens. For the most part that doesn't happen here....there are cases every now and them, but that is not the norm...even if there are insults there is intelligent arguement to follow...see if you get any actual debate after commenting on a liberal blog...
The NCLB DOES throw money at the school. Thats its problem.
Also, I know plenty of teachers, and I may be getting a job at an MPS school, next month, where I can see it REALLY close up. I realize they are scared by the Act. It puts puts pressure on them, but does it get the results desired?
Dear humanzee,
I am not a liberal. One ounce of intelligence would let you read that..if you werent so ignorant that you assumed everyone with a differing opinion was one. Also, if that loser was in front of me, I would call him worse to his face. Some of us arent cowards. We joined the real military.
Oh, and I comment here, because I bring much needed common sense, and a differing viewpoint. I realize some of you would like a nice dark place to carry out your crappy commentary, but I have known game for almost a decade. His opinion is the only one I respect.
I just read Rhyno's reply to EH. You must be a hell of a guy, Game. I don't go to lib sites, because of the irrational, hateful name calling...without as you put it, and I agree...intelligent debate.
Wow, I can't believe Rhyno said he respected my opinion...I"m glad you do even though I think my opinion is pretty close to EH's and Steph's on many issues...
You're kinda like my adopted red-headed stepchild from the fraternity, and all. :)
Anyway, I have to say that only humanzee seems to be out on the lunatic fringe. I have stumbled over writing, "I agree with steph," too many times in the past month. Also, game and I found our own common ground where I have proved that I am NOT out on the left side. You attract quite an interesting assortment of lefties, though. I will say that.
Can you feel the love?
what school might you teach at?
and why?
I can't recall one time that EH wrote that he agreed with me. Not one time. Perhaps he may have agreed with me a few times, but I don't know, because he has never written that.
I can recall a few times when Game wrote that he agreed with me.
Were you referring to Game or EH, when you made your comment about stumbling over "I agree with Steph"?
It's pretty scary thinking that you might actually be teaching at any school anywhere. Seems like you have a lot to learn, and a lot of growing up to do before you teach.
make sure you understand that when you disagree with someone about 95% of the time then you get labled the opposite of that person...so since some of us that you disagree with are conservatives, it is only natural to call you a liberal
Scorpion says---
Good luck,Dude,on taking a position with MPS.Game,find out the starting date for the Rhyno and you can set up a pool--date/time of first migrane-seeing or getting in the middle of first fight/assault-first item stolen-there are many other possibilities that haven't been included here due to peace on earth good will towards men.Happy Holidays to all!
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