Ringing the bell for breakfast
Advocates say too few Wisconsin schools offer morning meals
My question is, when does it stop? What is the role of school? It used to be to educate and get kids ready for the world. Now it is for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Schools don't have enough money because schools used to only need money for teaching. Now they need free, free, free, security guards, free transportation, ect...
The purpose of school has changed greatly over the years...but for the first time it has taken over as the parent and social agency.
Either get school back to being about teaching and put some pressure on parents to be parents...or increase school budgets by about 50% and admit that we now do everything.
If you want to see a great chronicle of the state of public schools from the 50's to today, go get this book...you'll read it in two days...once you start you won't stop.
My Life in Milwaukee Public Schools : Kindergarten to Retirement
Michael Wenzel
Scorpion says---
A family could have enough food for a week if the breakfast/ lunches that are on the lunchroom floor could avoid being dropped or better yet not taken at all. They forget to mention that salaries and benefits for food service staff is a cost that has to be planned for by the school system's budget.The program still costs money to run and supervise.
I don't envy you Game. It would really suck to be around kids and their parents all day. I can hardly stand it when they come in to the ER.
I would rather take care of 3 drunks versus 1 child with parent(s).....they're a pain in the ass.
It's the parents that are intolerable. Many don't seem to have any parenting skills or common sense at all anymore.
If the government actually expected parents to act like parents, a lot of government workers would be unemployed.
"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
Blue state governments believe that we are all morons or are incapable of performing basic parenting duties. In some instances, especially with liberals, they are right. Liberals are not bright people. There's no sense hiding that fact. Liberals are society's nouveaux-retards.
Liberals are completely baffled by the concept of "just add milk". Just as they are clueless when it comes to parenting, buttering toast, and national security. I'm sorry but someone had to say it. I'm sure Jim has a confession he would like to make.
I dated a chick for a while who always had her kids eat breakfast at school. By all accounts, she was the dumbest, laziest and most worthless mother. I wonder how many other of these kids parents fir that same mold.
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