It seems as though we have another victory in the books for GWB.
Make sure you read the story and notice the unbelievable bias it emits. It seems like the writer of the story is going to be ill.
A few questions:
Will Rove v Wade be overturned?
Will the separation of church issue be fixed?
Will women lose the right to vote?
Will the Supreme Court bring back slavery?
Based on quotes from Kennedy, Dean and other Dem's the last two will definitely happen.
Just so you Dem's understand, Bush is the President. He told the voters he would put conservative judges on the court....because he is a conservative. He made that clear, and he won two elections. Therefore, there is NOTHING wrong with having a conservative on the bench.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Alito sworn in at US high court
Posted by
The Game
2:08 PM
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Yep, it's a good thing...but I think everyone in their RIGHT mind, has known for the last couple of weeks, that Alito was a SURE thing. I guess that's why I'm not hopping around delerious with joy right now, as Esp. is.
I had that one figured a long time ago.
Only the libs were in denial.
How could they expect anything different? If they were in power it wuld be a liberal justice.
The sad thing is that the only reason Alito was confirmed is because there were a majority of republicans...
when the Lefty Ginsburg was confirmed...3 republicans voted against her I think. and what...44 Dem's voted against Alito...
Just a tidbit about why Dems voted the way they did. Oh, and of course, since the article also mentions Conrad Burns, and how most Montanans really feel about politics, I was hoping Jason would read it.
The Politics of Alito and Abramoff:
Or to put it another way, Senators like those with presidential aspirations, who need left-wing money more than they need moderate voters (or at least BEFORE they need moderate voters), all voted against cloture.
Some, like John Kerry, are so liberal they probably didn't need any inducement. The others sold their vote for the piles of campaign cash doled out by the likes of George Soros and other hate-Alito lefties.
Why is this not every bit as heinous as selling your vote to one of Abramoff's clients?
Way out in the vastness of Montana, my longtime friend and client Senator Conrad Burns is facing another stiff re-election campaign this year. The Democrat state party has been running attack ads against him because one of Abramoff's Indian tribe clients contributed to a fund Burns established years ago to help local and state candidates. Burns had backed a provision to fund a school the tribe wanted to start. All the evidence suggests he neither solicited the perfectly legal contribution nor even knew it had happened until well after the fact, but tainted money is tainted money, and Burns has given it back.
There are two Democrats vying for the nomination to run against Burns, and the primary race between them may very well be decided by the size and split of the left- wing, out-of-state money that gets spent.
Montana's a pretty red state, and I'd be willing to bet a poll of voters there would show most voters favored confirming Alito. Yet both of the Democrat wannabees took time off their attacks on Burns to issue press statements loudly proclaiming their opposition to Alito. There's no way that makes any sense except in the context of a bidding war for the big bucks Soros and his ilk can inject into the primary.
The two candidates, being only candidates at this juncture, didn't have an actual vote to sell, but they sure signaled their willingness to sell if and when they ever do.
Meanwhile, they'll just go on attacking Burns.
(It's no secret that Burns helped me out with a MAJOR 'issue' I was facing in 1995. I mean it was a terrible thing. He went to bat for me, and kicked major butt in DC while doing so, and made my life bearable. I owe him a lot. He really does care about the people he represents. The Dems are being absolutely hideous to Burns in the media here. It breaks my heart, because he is such a kind, caring, and honest man. He doesn't deserve this crap at all.)
There is no doubt that liberals have many reasons for voting, besides ideas and ideals
Interesting vote by the rookie justice today, no?
He has integrity, not just following party line
Now that's a refreshing concept. So was he being an activist judge, or were Scalia, Thomas, and Roberts being activists?
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