Sunday, January 29, 2006

Dean steps in it on Fox News Sunday

After Dean spun his lie that no Democrat has ever taken money from xoff...this is what happened:

DEAN: But the point is that not one Democrat either knew it or acted on it. Nobody got anything out of the Democrats from Jack Abramoff. No Democrat delivered anything, and there's no accusation and no investigation that any Democrat ever delivered anything to Jack Abramoff. And that's not true of the Republicans.

WALLACE: So if we find — and I just want to — we have to wrap this up. But if we find that there were some Democrats who wrote letters on behalf of some of the Indian tribes that Abramoff represented, then what do you say, sir?

DEAN: That's a big problem, and those Democrats are in trouble, and they should be in trouble. And our party, if the American people will put us back in power in '06, we will have on the president's desk things that outlaw all those kinds of behaviors. Right now it's a Republican scandal. Maybe they'll find that some Democrats did something wrong, too. That hasn't been the case yet.

Well late in the show Chris Wallace came out and said they had found a letter written by Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid on behalf of an Abramhoff client.

In November 2005 the Associated Press reported that Senate Minority Leader Reid had accepted tens of thousands of dollars from an Abramoff client, the Coushatta Indian tribe, after interceding with Secretary of the Interior Gail Norton over a casino dispute with a rival tribe.Reid "sent a letter to Norton on March 5, 2002," the AP said. "The next day, the Coushattas issued a $5,000 check to Reid's tax-exempt political group, the Searchlight Leadership Fund. A second tribe represented by Abramoff sent an additional $5,000 to Reid's group. Reid ultimately received more than $66,000 in Abramoff-related donations between 2001 and 2004."

I'm going to bring this up EVERY SINGLE TIME it happens. The left SIMPLY wants power back. It is really a shame for the Dem's that Dean continues to lie day after day on this. This is a LIE. That is when someone knows what they are saying is untrue, wrong. Do you see how hard he tries to make this an issue. It seems many on the Left have this disease. The disease of not being able to say a Democrat is wrong. The Right gets ALL over Bush when he is wrong. Harriet Miers, spending, boarder control. You hear Rush, Hannity, ect.. and many bloggers all over him on these things. But to do that takes some integrity and a set of values and beliefs. If your only value is to win in 2006, it is not good enough.

Found on RDW


jhbowden said...

The Democrats are seriously trying to polish a turd. The best line I've heard is that Democrats aren't in power, so there was no quid pro quo. Yeah, as if Democratic politicians don't vote on banking bills and so forth. Rrrrright.

realdebate said...

brilliant post.

Anonymous said...

It is absolutely maddening to listen to the Dems. pontificating, but there is comfort knowing they are not in power.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jason...thats one of my favorite sayings.

"They are not near Baghdad. Don't believe them.... They said they entered with... tanks in the middle of the capital. They claim that they - I tell you, I... that this speech is too far from the reality. It is a part of this sickness of their plan. There is no an... - no any existence to the American troops or for the troops in Baghdad at all."

-Baghdad Bob, April 5, 2003

The Game said...

The sad thing is I"m sure we will see Jim on here defending Dean again...and this time Dean had to back away from the line that no Dem's got money from xoff its.."no dems ever did special favors for xoff" and now that is a lie too...Dem's, don't you get tired of being wrong all the time ,don't you get tired of defending people that say ANYTHING, get proved wrong, and then you still defend them...get some class and honesty

The Game said...

rhyno's quote says it all really
And Fred...I gave you credit for the post...

realdebate said...

Just needling ya.