Fri Jan 06 2005 17:30:54 ET
Senate Democrats have put into place a plan that includes one last push to take down the nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito as he heads into his confirmation hearing next week, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned.
Senate Democrats intend to zero in on Alito’s alleged enthusiastic membership to an organization, they will charge, that was sexist and racist!
Democrats hope to tie Alito to Concerned Alumni of Princeton (CAP).
Alito will testify that he joined CAP as a protest over Princeton policy that would not allow the ROTC on campus.
THE DRUDGE REPORT has obtained a Summer 1982 article from CAP’s PROSPECT magazine titled “Smearing The Class Of 1957” that key Senate Democrats believe could thwart his nomination!
In the article written by then PROSPECT editor Frederick Foote, Foote writes: “The facts show that, for whatever reasons, whites today are more intelligent than blacks.”
Senate Democrats expect excerpts like this written by other Princeton graduates will be enough to torpedo the Alito nomination.
One Democrat Hill staffer involved in their strategy declared, “Put a fork in Scalito. It doesn’t matter that Alito didn’t write it, it doesn’t matter that Alito wasn’t that active in the group, Foote wrote it in CAP’s magazine and we are going to make Alito own it.”
However, a Republican insider contacted about the situation said, “It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. The reason CAP was formed was to protest against people like Drujack who think killing chickens is similar to what happened at Auschwitz. I don’t understand how what a guy named Foote wrote in some magazine has anything to do with Alito.”
The final witness on the Senate Democrats newly unveiled witness list for Alito’s hearing is freelance journalist Stephen Dujack.
Dujack is a ’76 Princeton graduate and a longtime critic of CAP.
Dujack was the author of a highly critical 1986 op-ed in the PRINCETON ALUMNI WEEKLY titled “The Contradictions Of CAP.” Dujack slammed the group for its policies opposing Princeton's decision to admit women and minorities.
Dujack now says: "Judge Alito will have to explain to the Senate Judiciary Committee why he paid dues to an outfit... that was overtly racist and sexist for its entire 14-year existence — at times passionately so, too."
Dujack adds: "There is no way for Alito's backers to claim his association with the organization does not imply endorsement of its views, for opposition to women and minorities at Princeton was as central to CAP as opposition to drunken driving is to MADD."
However, THE DRUDGE REPORT has learned the Democrats’ star witness comes with baggage of his own. Dujack penned an op-ed in 2003 that compared farm animals to Holocaust victims and gave money to the Kerry presidential campaign.
In the April 21, 2003 LOS ANGELES TIMES, Dujack wrote: “Like the victims of the Holocaust, animals are rounded up, trucked hundreds of miles to the kill floor and slaughtered.” Dujack went on, “To those who defend the modern-day Holocaust on animals by saying that animals are slaughtered for food and give us sustenance, I ask: if the victims of the Holocaust had been eaten, would that have justified the abuse and murder?”
THE DRUDGE REPORT has also uncovered a purported $2,000 donation Dujack made to John Kerry’s presidential campaign in 2004.
On the surface it seems a bit strange why he would join an organization that said stuff like this...
But there are many questions....
Did they say these things before, during, or after he joined...
Was this a CAP stance, or just something one member said?
Should the criteria for a Supreme Court nominee be what organization he might have joined to protest the politices of Princeton in the 1950's.
I am not sure, but this just seems like another case of the Left having to piece together a really weak and lame arguement to bring someone from the Right down.
Don't they have any issues with his JOB PERFORMANCE?
Can't they find something wrong with an opinion HE made?
I understand that this MIGHT look like he joined a poor organization, but so far it seems like seems like a stretch.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Is this enough to bring down Alito?
Posted by
The Game
1:22 AM
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Sounds dodgy. It will bear some time to see if it all actually goes down this way.
I don't think this last magic trick that they try to pull out of their hat will work.
I also read last night that the witness who was supposed to testify about this stuff is no longer testifying. Kennedy must be cursing up a storm about that today :-).
By the way I grew up in Racine for a big part of my life and my dad worked in Milwaukee.
Hey, I bet John Kerry once had one of his servants fill his car with gas refined, transported, or drilled for by Enron or one of it's subsidiaries. That PROVES he supports all their corrupted ways. Let the mob form and the witch trials begin!
In all seriousness, if this is the best the Dems can come up with, Alito will sail to confimation without breaking a sweat. That is, unless the republican jellyfish impersonators in congres decide to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Dujack has been pulled off the Dems' witness list. Smart move.
I agree with Mike. This should not be a problem, BUT--
You can't trust the RINOs.
It seems like you all agree. I agree that if this is their best argument, then they really don't have one. But don't forget that the Left doesn't care if they have a GOOD argument, they will yell and scream and get picked up by the ANY argument they have can work.
"You can't trust the RINOs."
OK, I'll bite. WTF is a RINO?
Those are the people who move to the Right before an election, they vote in the middle or left most of the time
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