Sunday, January 22, 2006

Romney: GOP May Lose Some Gov. Seats

I always say with confidence that I (and hopefully the Right thinking people who come here) are intellectually honest. We are not like many lefties who blindly defend every liberal, even when they say ridiculous things. (here's today's ridiculous comment) And by the way, it is comments like this that might save the GOP this year.

But I would like a discussion on what we think will happen in the 2006 elections.

Early on I believed that the GOP would probably lose a bunch of seats. The media and liberals have been attacking so much on every single issue, I thought that enough "independents" who get their news from the MSM had finally been convinced. I didn't think we would lose a majority in either the House or Senate, but I thought some seats would have to go.

I am not positive now. I still think the GOP will lose a seat or two, but it might end up being a wash. The Left looks SO bad everytime they talk, that they are taking away any momentum they had. I think more and more are seeing them as political hacks who simply say anything it takes to hurt Bush. The Alito story and the wire tapping story are good examples. They looked like drunken asses in the Alito hearing, and hopefully they try and block him so they look even worse.

As far as the wire taping, they are reminding people they care more about terrorist rights than the safety of their own people.....and that is not even true. Really, they don't believe in anything, this is just the next issue they are yelling and screaming about so they can have their power back.

So, will the GOP gain seats, lose seats, or will it be a wash?
What will be the issues that cause things to swing one way or the other?


Jim said...

Please name (with citations for proof) any Democrats who are defending Belafonte. Don't include Sheehan, because she is not a spokesperson for the Democratic party. For every Belafonte there is a Pat Robertson.

2006 issues will be:

1) The economy
2) The deteriorating conditions in Iraq and the Iran situation
3) The failure of the Bush administration to secure domestic chemical, biological, and nuclear facilities
4) The attempt by the Bush administration to usurp the power of the Congress and the Judiciary
5) The corruption of the Republican leadership
6) The Medicare prescription debacle
7) The incompetence in nearly every area of the Bush administration

The Game said...

Economy is fantastic

What are the deteriorating conditions in Iraq? All the successful elections? The new government?

Three is not an issue

If the Dem's run on number 4, GOP will gain seats in 2006

5 might work if the Dems and MSM work hard enough at it...but if xoff ends up being linked to both parties, who knows what will happen.

no one cares about 6

comments like you made in 7 is why you and your party are you understand sound just like Belafonte.

Jim said...

Will a government based on Shia law be OK with you? How long will it be OK for the US to lose 20 military personnel per week?

Three should by an issue and it might become one.

4) Is a bi-partisan issue and could become an election issue if the administration continues to believe they don't answer to the Congress and courts.

5) Abramoff is part of the Republic infrastructure. He has been a key figure in the Republic efforts to gain more and more power. If you don't understand the relationship between Abramoff, Delay, K Street, Norquist, Santorum then you don't read the newspapers or watch TV.

No one cares about 6? Well you just wait. There are a hell of a lot of seniors who are getting REALLY pissed off about it and so are the people who help take care of them. This was a Rebublic boondoggle written by the K Street lobbyists for the pharmaceutical companies.

7) FEMA, post Saddam Iraq, military preparedness.