A vast majority of letters and stories I read about the troops opinion about the Iraq war and war in general is that they are proud of what they are doing there and want to go back. That is why it surprised me when the partisan Murtha said that most of the soldiers he talks to hate Bush and hate the war. I put these two stories together to show what some soldiers said to Murtha at a town hall meeting.
Mudville Gazette has the details on an Army soldier who confronted Dem Reps. John Murtha and Jim Moran at a town hall meeting in Arlington, Va. Greyhawk transcribed the confrontation:
"Yes sir my name is Mark Seavey and I just want to thank you for coming up here. Until about a month ago I was Sgt Mark Seavey infantry squad leader, I returned from Afghanistan. My question to you, (applause)Cut and run. It's the only way the Dems know."Like yourself I dropped out of college two years ago to volunteer to go to Afghanistan, and I went and I came back. If I didn't have a herniated disk now I would volunteer to go to Iraq in a second with my troops, three of which have already volunteered to go to Iraq. I keep hearing you say how you talk to the troops and the troops are demoralized, and I really resent that characterization. (applause) The morale of the troops that I talk to is phenomenal, which is why my troops are volunteering to go back, despite the hardships they had to endure in Afghanistan.
"And Congressman Moran, 200 of your constituents just returned from Afghanistan. We never got a letter from you; we never got a visit from you. You didn't come to our homecoming. The only thing we got from any of our elected officials was one letter from the governor of this state thanking us for our service in Iraq, when we were in Afghanistan. That's reprehensible. I don't know who you two are talking to but the morale of the troops is very high."
Moran - who is one of the few congressmen supporting Charlie Rangel's call to restore the draft - responded quickly: "That wasn't in the form of a question, it was in the form of a statement. But, uhh... let's go over here." And he took the next question.
Go here to download a video of a soldier talking to Murtha at the meeting:

Here is a snippet of what he said:
I visit Walter Reed [Army Hospital] and talk to the young soldiers with their legs blown off. I know you do, too. I can't find one in a dozen that don't believe that they are fighting for a noble cause and are fighting to go back. And I think it's a disgrace when members of our Congress --just as they did in 1975 when they sold out the south Vietnamese--are selling out our soldiers today in Iraq!
Just remember, the only people who can defeat us in Iraq or any war, is the Left. They did it in Vietnam, and they are trying to do it now.
A very interesting questions is: When does descent turn into treason? When does it stop being an argument and turn into being unpatriotic?
My Answer:
BEFOER the war, all the talk and protest and dissent was fine. That was the time for it. AFTER the troops got there and the war started, all the talk about how this is an unjust war, and that we can't win, and that the troops don't want to be there is very hurtful to our country, the troops, and the world. Besides all that, most of that talk is completely false. If you look back at history, this war is going better than any other. The fact that we can list in a small section of the paper the people who have died is actually remarkable. How many TV shows would have to be used to list all the people who died in single battles in WWI, WWII and the civil war?
That is not really the point of the post. The point is, now that we have set objectives and sent troops, saying that we are failing, that we should leave, that no one wants us there is costing the military lives by giving the insurgence hope. It happened in Vietnam and it is happening now. Talk about the BEST way to WIN is fine...and if you don't agree with how Bush is trying to WIN, go ahead and suggest a better way....But running away is not the way to WIN. I know the Left is unfamiliar with what winning is, but it is when you defeat the enemy. It is when you reach your goals. I know, it makes the enemy feel bad, they have lower self esteem.
So, once again.....when does the argument turn from honest dissent and debate to treason and hurtful speech? Do you agree that this talk by people like Murtha hurt the country, the military, and the entire world?
well done whit
Complete bullshit. Its unthoughtful mindsets like that, that Bush hopes will come together so he can drive whatever warmongering he wants by having every person bend over and take it. Its a simple fact servicemen should understand. You are fighting because the C in C says so, not because the country does. I was in the military. Our officers told us that before the first Gulf War. Its perfectly reasonable to be against the president and his war, but do what you can for the soldiers while they have to be there.
Oh, and the Army lost Vietnam, not the left. They refused to adapt, and got kicked around. I went over this already.
The army could wipe out anyone at any time. They don't because too many people in the white house are scared of the PC, liberal media. They also have to fight the media and liberals in the newspapers and newscasts. Do you realize that our enemies LOVE it when Dean, or Murtha, or any liberal actor opens their mouth? Why is that? Why do our enemies love to hear the words of the Left? These words give them hope that the Left will win the war for them, since no one can beat our military in the field
but they couldnt...they couldnt find the enemy until the enemy found them, they couldnt follow the enemy when he retreated, they couldnt destroy the enemy's communication or supply. Plus, the Army is the biggest waste of space, from a military standpoint. They are unimaginative, dont change without being forced, and take almost anyone who will volunteer. Yet, they always have to be in charge.
That might be partially true, but once again we have gotten off topic.
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