So, what is going to happen here?
I actually think the Supreme Court will NOT make abortion outright illegal...
This law will be struck down by some liberal court and the Supreme Court either not hear the case or simply agree with the lower court...
It will piss of conservatives, but it will take a little bit less strict law to get the Supreme Court to agree with it....
And here come the feminists....
This issue is so damn confusing to me...
How people can be so passionate and confident about killing a baby is crazy.
Liberals will fight to keep a murder off of death row but fight even harder to let a mother kill a baby....I don't get it...
And what will cause more deaths? Legal abortions all over the place...or the few women who will still kill their baby in an illegal procedure?
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Abortion illegal?
Posted by
The Game
11:42 PM
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I think the idea for women is that they can make the choice, for themselves, whether the microscopic issue should be up to someone elses decision. Should you choose, you can see that the abortion rate has not significantly increased since Rowe vs. Wade came into effect. However, those who choose can now get one without fear of reprisal or death from procedure.
show me that stat rhyno...
The first stat I found was that the first year it was legal 586,000 babies were 1980 it was up to 1.3 million...
I think that is more than a 200% increase, isn't it?
another stat to stat one of you from making the lame ass comment that if abortion is illegal people will be dying in the steets from illegal abortions:
By 1972, the year before the Supreme Court legalized abortion-on-demand
nationwide, there were 24 deaths from legal abortions and 39 from illegal abortions
(according to the Centers for Disease Control Abortion Surveillance, Annual Summary,
So there were less than 100 women who died from abortions before the law...and since the law 40 million babies have been killed...really nice..
why don't you wear a t-shirt with that proud fact on it..
Your numbers are problematic. First of all the 1972 numbers for deaths are deaths "known" to be associated with legal or illegal abortions. This would not take into account deaths caused by back alley abortions not reported or diagnosed in such a way to be known to be caused by illegal abortion. The deaths from illegal abortions could be hundreds more that "known."
Second, no babies have been murdered. "Murder" is the unlawful killing of another person. Since abortion is legal, by definition it is not murder. And few if any jurisdictions consider a fetus a "person."
Third, unless you can know how many illegal abortions were performed prior to or after Roe, you can't say whether the total number of abortions has risen or not. You only can tell that the number of legal ones rose from 1972 to 1980. According to the CDC report you cited, the number of abortions peaked in 1990 and has been declining ever since.
your last point is a good thing...I hope you agree..
Of course. Abortions should be safe, legal, and rare. Effective sex education, including abstinence AND safe sex information will go a long way to make them rarer. I'm not sure that making them illegal will.
Dude, I have tried to explain statistical significance to you before, and you didnt get it. I am not going to try again. Also, Jim is 100% correct(you owe me for not saying right, jimbo). Education and access to contraception cause the greatest reduction in abortion rates. Sadly, those with the lowest education and little access or knowledge of birth control are also the 'repeaters' in abortion.
There are more than 40,000,000 known abortions in the United States alone since 1972. This is more than were killed at the hands of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot combined.
Nowhere in history has the systematic killing of the weak and defenseless been so efficient.
The legality has nothing to do with it, in Germany in the 40's it was "legal" to exterminate Jews, remember... Until 1976 in Missouri, it was legal to kill Mormons, too...
If either of you have taken masters degree stats classes, then tell me about statistical significance...
Mike is 100% correct...
Jim is technically correct that my use of the word "murder" is not legally correct, but morally it is.
Interesting that no females spoke up here on this.
I'm tempted to expound on this, as an educated, sexually active, non-kid-wanting female, but I'm a bit afraid of the harsh backlash I've seen on this site.
Besides, I wouldn't convince any of you to consider the other side, just as you won't convince me that removing a mass of tissue is murder.
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