Today's memorial service for civil rights activist Coretta Scott King -- billed as a "celebration" of her life -- turned suddenly political as one former president took a swipe at the current president, who was also lashed by an outspoken black pastor!
The outspoken Rev. Joseph Lowery, co-founder of Southern Christian Leadership Conference, ripped into President Bush during his short speech, ostensibly about the wife of Martin Luther King Jr.
"She extended Martin's message against poverty, racism and war. She deplored the terror inflicted by our smart bombs on missions way afar. We know now that there were no weapons of mass destruction over there," Lowery said.
The mostly black crowd applauded, then rose to its feet and cheered in a two-minute-long standing ovation.
A closed-circuit television in the mega-church outside Atlanta showed the president smiling uncomfortably.
"But Coretta knew, and we know," Lowery continued, "That there are weapons of misdirection right down here," he said, nodding his head toward the row of presidents past and present. "For war, billions more, but no more for the poor!" The crowd again cheered wildly.
Former President Jimmy Carter later swung at Bush as well, not once but twice. As he talked about the Kings, he said: "It was difficult for them then personally with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated as they became the target of secret government wiretaps." The crowd cheered as Bush, under fire for a secret wiretapping program he ordered after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, again smiled weakly.
Later, Carter said Hurricane Katrina showed that all are not yet equal in America.
"This commerative cermony this morning, this afternoon, is not only to acknowledge the great contributions of Coretta and Martin, but to remind us that the struggle for equal rights is not over. We only have to recall the color of the faces of those in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi," Carter said, the rest of his sentence drowned out by loud applause. "Those who were most devastated by [Hurricane] Katrina know that there are not yet equal opportunities for all Americans. It is our responsibility to continue their crusade."
Two points right out the gate. 1) These people have the right to say these things. 2) I am not going to even argue how incorrect these people were. I have spent over a dozen posts showing how incompetent the mayor of New Orleans and Gov. Blanco were in the hurricane situation.
This even shows one clear difference between the two parties. The Dem's simply have no class, no care in the world except bashing Republicans and getting back power. Remember when the Senator from MN died in a plane crash, and his funeral turned into a political rally....what happened....the Dem's lost. Hopefully this happens again....
Anyone with a sense of human decency understands that a funeral is not a political rally. Besides being wrong in their comments, these people disrespected the whole King family and themselves. I guess it is just a mindset. Nothing is sacred. Nothing is off limits. No respect.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Posted by
The Game
6:40 AM
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The NO mayor was behind the whole thing. It was all part of his agenda to turn all the Gulf coast into "Little Chocolate".
After listening to the memorial...I now believe Katrina was racist.
Game, you sound ANGRY. All these whining Republic pundits sound angry and whiny.
Why are Republics always so ANGRY?
Why is it that Republics like Bush can turn a solemn occassion like Veterans day into a Democrats have a pre 9-11 mentality not to support the troops, but Democrats can't celebrate a highly political life with a politcal celebration?
Republics have no class. They are ANGRY and whiny.
Yeah, Jim...the party of Teddy Kennedy, Michael Moore, Al Franken, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Al Gore...they're really the epitome of class, don't you think? Wow... Not that I think the republican party is the greatest thing since sliced bread, but you just don't see those kinds of people leading it. (and No, Pat Robertson is not a leader or even a significant figure in the GOP...the only people who think so probably don't even know any real republicans or normal Christians.
OK, so a couple of those guys are hacks, but how do they all lack class? Especially Franken. If anything, he just cant be criticized, and thats what pisses off the conservatives the most.
The Democrats, with their black poverty pimps in tow, turned another solemn occasion into a gimme-whine-fest. It's all about the hand outs for these political witch doctors.
Personally, I was not surprised. The left attracts our culture's lowest sub species and cuts across all races. Blacks are just the left's saddest victims.
It's ridiculous to read Rhyno and Jim defend these low-lifes. That's okay. Remember how well the Paul Wellstone memorial turned out for the Democrats? Just keep it up all the way to election day.
Okay, Rhyno... Which of these guys are hacks and on what points do you disagree with them?
The problem with the left is that there is novisible moderation... no force to counter-balance the extremism, as the core and leadership of the Left ARE extremist. No matter how rude, tactless, and flat out lying and exploitive these people get, there is virtually NO denounciation of them from responsible groups on the Left... Contrast to the Right, when someone says "we should kill all abortion doctors", they are universally denounced and disassociated with the vast majority of the rest of the Right.
Sure there are some people just as psychotic on the Right, and some every bit as evil who claim to stand for "christian" ideals, but the difference is that these people are not the ones in control, not the ones we listen to, and we work hard to keep it that way.
Lots of handwringing from the right about those angry lefties. At this point in our history if you aren't angry you should be ashamed of yourself and your love of this country. We haven't found the anthrax sender(attacks in DC only went to Democrats). No dead or alive, hunt him down, make him pay, hear from us, Osama. No weapons of mass destruction. Although fox news has found another shill to say they went to Syria. Yep sure, thanks to all that intelligence we got from Iraqis we got into a war to achieve THEIR(INC) purposes. It's bullshit! It is also hearsay that is being used in the book where the claim comes from. The Kay and Dulfer investigation said they didn't even have the capacity to produce them. How could one possibly believe them this at this point with mountains of evidence that point to otherwise?.. Torture and the claim of justification to violate international law. Turning our country into a pariah around the world. All the phoney intelligence used and all the cases against war ignored. Dick Cheney pushing the outing of a CIA agent(who by the way has been confirmed as undercover, a point not the facists are willing to admit.) Debasing every military persons service that runs against them with lies or wildly misleading statements while at the same time being war avoiders themselves. Highly questionable elections. ..Huge debts and billions missing and unaccounted for. That is YOUR money that is missing and you will be expected to pay a larger percentage of it because of the tax cuts for the rich and wealthy corporations. Katrina, proving these guys are not prepared and care little about a national emergency. What if it was a terrorist attack? Would they care then? Would they have acted more swiftly? Would they have lied about not knowing? The K street project and politicans for sale. And....the one that should be the kicker for everybody who believes in our Constitution. The presnit usurping the power of Congress by assuming unchecked legislative power. The most amazing part of this is the people defending the presnit are, by and large, the same that continually complain about judical "activisim". My question is...If you aren't angry that this all continues to go on, with no one fired, no one held to account...WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU ANGRY, IT'S PITCHFORKS AND TORCHES TIME!!!!! Save our republic!
As far as the funeral goes. Both Wellstone and King spent their lifes involved in activism,movement politics and social justice. To think that would not have been mentioned and advanced is plainly idiotic. It's how they would have wanted it and would have been a disgrace it was not forwarded. The presnit was not named..ever..if the shoe fits wear it. To whine about this show how truly sheepled the "liberal media" as much of the general public...You guys disgust me.
Ron must be on some sort of socialized health care program
I would submit that Jimmy Carter and Reverend Lowery knew Coretta Scott King much better than you did, and therefore are infintely more qualified to decide what it appropriate at her funeral.
And I agree with jim, Republicans are angry and whiny. And they have nothing to be angry OR whiny about, they control every aspect of the federal government.
Hmmm, so mike, you get to decide who the leaders of the Democrats are, but you balk at letting someone else decide who the leaders of the Republican party are? That's called a double standard. But I'll play by your rules. Give me Franken, Moore and Sharpton anyday over Delay, Frist, Rove, or any of the rest of the corrupt leaders of the Republican party.
Sure there are some people just as psychotic on the Right, and some every bit as evil who claim to stand for "christian" ideals, but the difference is that these people are not the ones in control, not the ones we listen to, and we work hard to keep it that way.
Wow, this is just so out of touch with reality that I can barely stand to address it. The Republican party is completely dominated by the extreme right wing, with the President catering to them with things like gay marraige and Terry Schiavo. While the Democratic Party leadership ( with the exception of Howard Dean) is falling all over themselves to get to the middle. Hilary Clinton is supporting flag burning amendments, and worrying about video game violence. And I have not heard one Republican party leader denounce the crazy things Pat Robertson says. Democrats might not denounce the extreme left as much as you'd like, but it's hard to denounce the extreme left when they're so busy ignorning the entire left.
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