You think Jim and Ron can be bad, listen to how a true, 100% left winger debates. They are full of emotion, that is their problem. They can not calm down enough to allow their brain to get involved in the action. I wish more people could see how a genuine liberal thinks, the Democratic party would lose even more than they already do.
The Donkey sees that you are fluent in Gibbering Moronese. Unfortunately, the Donkey is not. You generate more waffle than the waffle making machine in a waffle factory. You should offer your posting style to hospital operating theatres as a highly-effective alternative to unconsciousness-inducing medications. The Anti-Moron software on the donkey's PC went crazy when the Donkey started to read your post. You could type every thing you know on the subject on back of a microscopic postage stamp and still have room leftover for a shopping list. Anyway, who was talking to you or even taking you under consideration? As Abba Eban so aptly said: "His ignorance is encyclopedic."
Your post is a tedious, homogenised, chameleon-esque scribble which amounts to nothing more than the demented cacophonous racket of a drugged lunatic banging loudly on kitchen pots and pans. Your ineffective imitation of good posting style only serves to illuminate your lack of substance, good taste, and decency.
That was a "response" to my post about the ports. Any liberal who comes here should be ashamed that these are the kinds of the people who are on your side. If you think this uncommon of your party, just spend two minutes in DailyKos and say something that doesn't appeal to communists, and if you agree with what donkey said, you are too lost to bother with.
Monday, February 27, 2006
The mind of a liberal
Posted by
The Game
5:46 PM
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Look, there are nuts all over town. To take one person and paint an entire side of the political spectrum with that person's paint brush is ludicrous. Why don't I take the protesting or writing of "God hates fags" Phelps and say that represents the mind of all conservatives. It's just as accurate. Why don't I just say that Ann Coulter is the arch representative of intelligent conservative thought.
I find it interesting to learn that you consider expressing emotion to be a problem. To quote our hero Reagan, "Well, there you go again." The left is "angry" as if you can't express emotion and have a rational argument. Wrong!
If you want to invite Ron and me to participate in some kind of intelligent debate to bring some usefulness to your site, why don't you stop ridiculing those who care to give you the fucking time of day?
Otherwise you can just continue to indulge in mutual masturbation because without people to debate with, that's all you've got left.
How's that for emotion!
YES...I knew it...I got it exactly right...I knew what you would say...
I have said many times I like you coming here, and you are not as bad as most liberals...
But come one go to liberal blogs and it is IMPOSSIBLE to have a debate..
Would you say you can not debate here? maybe you don't like it sometimes and it isn't always the best...but we do have debate here...
are you going to say the crap that I put up here by donkey is debate? It is very typical.
Okay jim, of course not ALL liberals are this bad...and emotion is not bad...but when your thoughts, your decision making is driven solely by your emotion your brain can never get into play...
When you start out by saying, "You think Jim and Ron can be bad . . .", you are holding us up to ridicule. How exactly are we "bad"? Because we disagree? Because we argue with passion?
I don't understand the Donkey most of the time. I pretty much ignore "it". It doesn't represent anybody or any thinking I'm aware of. So I ignore "it". Why don't you? I debate people here who have something to say if they're not abusive. Otherwise I ignore them. I certainly don't consider them representatives of "the other side."
As you suspect, I read Daily Kos every day. I suppose you go there in passing, see that most of it is anti-administration and conclude that there is no debate there. But there is. Lot's of it.
Maybe it's not the debate you want. It's not your place to shape the debate. DK debates the port issue. DK debates whether the "gang of 14" deal was the right thing to do or not. Was it good strategy to filibuster Alito?
What do you want them to debate? Whether the war in Iraq was a good idea? I think we (and most Americans) have reached consensus on that? Whether or not the most efficiently-run and most successful government program of all time should be terminated because it goes against the administration ideology? I think the country has reached consensus on that, too.
Lastly (for now), you once again present a false agrument that some relevant number of liberals' "thoughts, [their]decision making is driven solely by [their] emotion". It's simply false, simply false.
here is more of the fun loving liberal love speech on liberal blog sites:
we've simply watched what has been effective for you guys. After decades of being polite while limbaugh and bunch lowered the rhetoric to gutter level we've come to the conclusion that hate speech is effective in swaying opinion so take that you bigoted fascist, the truth hurts you sack of treasonus nazi excrement.
oh, and all this is coming from ONE liberal blog...just one...
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