Don’t worry, be happy – and be a Republican.
Conservative Republicans are significantly more likely to say they are "very happy” than are liberal Democrats, a Pew Research Center survey reveals.
The survey of more than 3,000 adults found that 47 percent of conservative Republicans are "very happy,” as are 45 percent of moderate/liberal Republicans. But only 28 percent of liberal Democrats say they are very happy, as do 31 percent of conservative/moderate Democrats. Among Independents, 29 percent are very happy.
"Could it be that Republicans are so much happier now because their party controls all the levers of federal power?” the Pew report asks.
"Not likely. Since 1972, the GOP happiness edge over Democrats has ebbed and flowed in a pattern that appears unrelated to which party is in political power.”
Republicans still hold an edge when household income is considered – poor Republicans are happier than poor Democrats, middle-income Republicans are happier than middle-income Democrats, and rich Republicans are happier than rich Democrats.
"This finding is niftily self-reinforcing,” quips syndicated columnist George F. Will, reporting on the survey. "It depresses liberals.”
Overall, 34 percent of those surveyed said they are very happy; about 50 percent said they are "pretty happy,” and 15 percent are "not too happy.”
Other findings of the Pew survey:
About half of those with an annual family income or more than $100,000 say they are very happy, compared to 24 percent of those with an income of less than $30,000.
People who attend religious services every week are more apt to be very happy (43 percent) than those who never attend (26 percent).
Married people are a good deal happier than singles – 43 percent of those who are wed say they are very happy, compared to just 24 percent of singles.
Married people with children are about as happy as those without children, and retirees and workers are equally likely to say they are very happy.
This is not hard to figure out...
Republicans statistically are more likely to be married with children and make more money.
In addition, they have lives and don't have time to sit there and bitch. Liberals tend to be single, upset about there life, don't go to church, and problably the kids who got picked on all the time in school.
Friday, February 24, 2006
Pew Survey: Republicans Are Happier
Posted by
The Game
2:49 PM
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Dude, no offense. I am neither Dem nor Rep, and you know that. From this post, though, it makes Reps look pretty pathetic. If you are so simple minded that it only takes a broad in the kitchen and some churchin to make you happy, I am not impressed.
no, I think they are happier because they believe in free will, personal responsibility...they believe they control their lives...they don't sit and whine and bitch because the government isn't taking care of them...they worry about bettering their own life...
you might call that selfish, but that is how it is
Weird, Game. In your above comment you've just described every Democrat and liberal I've heard, met, read, and seen. So I don't see your point.
Liberals tend to loathe themselves? Who would have guessed it? ;)
Which side has protest after protest?
Liberals are definately angrier, they yell more, they are much more emotional...
The other things are just facts:
Republicans statistically make more money, have families, go to church, and have more education.
I have put many pictures of all the peace loving, good hearted Left wing protesters....but you either don't remember or want to remember....that is the problems with you...I have time and time again shown the hateful quotes and pictures, yet you just brush it off, facts do not matter...
Here is one from about a month ago...must be to long for you to remember....
of course, there are 100 examples of these people to your one "pro-choice" crazies...
and ya...I really see so many protests against Jim, there are definately more "hate gays" than gay pride parades...
I think had more protests in one week during the election than there have been right wing protests in 10 years...
So what? I thought dissent was a core value of democracy. In fact, that's what the Declaration of Independence is all about.
You don't have to protest if you don't want to. Just keep on pretending that everything is OK.
No place in your crappy model is there a single reference to the correlation between marriage and happiness. ONLY 43% are very happy, and married. Thats SO pathetic.
I know you and your wife, so its way different. Outside of you guys, trying to claim any significance from this is purely conjecture. No facts. Find a study or something that gives statistical AND common sense reasoning, and I'll hop on board.
Marriage makes both sexes happy
Both men and women are happier if they are married, a study suggests.
Researchers in Australia have found that contrary to popular belief both sexes benefit from marriage.
It has long been believed that men benefit more from tying the knot than women.
There was potential in the 1970s for women to become more stressed
Alex Gardner
Studies carried out in the 1970s, which are still widely supported now, suggested that marriage increased stress levels among women and effectively "drove them crazy".
But psychologist Dr David de Vaus from La Trobe University in Melbourne says his study debunks that theory.
He looked at data from 10,641 adults taken from the 1996 national survey of mental health in Australia.
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