First of all, I wrote two blogs today and now they are gone...
Now, this story is about our enemy....the people who are not tolerant, don't want to be our friend, and could give a crap about anything but making the entire world Muslim...period..
This is the group of people liberals want to "understand." They want to know why they hate us...
Mostly, because we are not Muslim. I know you guys don't understand human nature, that is why you are liberals in the first place. So, you guys worry about getting rid of Religon in public life, put santa in jail, make sure convicts can have sex change operations, and let the adults (the Right) make sure we are protected from these people.
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Syrians Torch Embassies Over Caricatures
Posted by
The Game
9:54 PM
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"I know you guys don't understand human nature, that is why you are liberals in the first place. So, you guys worry about getting rid of Religon in public life, put santa in jail, make sure convicts can have sex change operations, and let the adults (the Right) make sure we are protected from these people."
You might be taken seriously if you actually made a serious argument.
I'm just re-stating what you guys say and think...I'm not the one that wants to "understand" and "talk" to these people...
your arguements are really lame lately...maybe I'm just so good that you can't ever seem to argue my point...
This posts point was that liberals really don't understand human nature. These people want to end our way of life, they are intolerant (much like liberals) and see liberals thought process as being can't comment on that because there really is no arguement..
Our enemies now you use against this is the only way for us to ever lose a conflict...
Luckily Reagan was smart enough and had enough balls to not care about what the whimpy left had to say, and that is why he won 49 states both times...
Make sure you don't condem this behavior...or do you agree with them Jim?
I never hear a liberal mad about anything unless a Republican does it
Wow, you dont see the Pope siding with Islamic fundamentalists too often.
Please, ban the Danish cartoon weapon...remember, if cartoon weapons are used can chemical and germ warfare be far behind?--Right Jokester
nice to see you jokester
There is nothing to argue here because your "argument" is nonsense. You are only spewing the Glenn Beck/Rush Limbaugh line of what "we guys" think and say. You don't know what Democrats think because you don't read what they write, and you don't know what they say because you don't listen to them. You only listen to to your pompous pundits.
Democrats want to hunt down and kill every last member of al Qaeda, starting, ahem, at the top.
However, there are well over a billion muslims in the world, a potentially endless supply of al Qaeda recruits. If you cannot understand that it's going to take more than 150,000 American military personnel in Iraq to actually make progress in fighting the spread of hate and distrust of the West by these billion people, then you are destined to leave this struggle to your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on.
The struggle is not unlike fighting a disease like malaria. You don't succeed in fighting the disease simply by swatting a few mosquitos or spraying a pond with insecticide. You have to learn what conditions cause the proliferation of the disease-carrying insects and how to recognize and to alter those conditions so that millions more mosquitos don't spread wherever in the world those conditions might arise.
You can't eradicate a disease simply by killing those infected. You have to vaccinate the vulnerable in order to keep them from becoming infected and further spreading the disease.
That takes learning, understanding, and cooperation. It's the bigger picture that you refuse to recognize because your pompous, fear-mongering pundits don't care to talk about it. Because it makes sense and it's what the Democrats think and say.
to simplify your argument, we need to understand why they hate us...
that is definately what the Left thinks, I understand that..
and that is why they continue to lose..
do you need to understand why someone breaks into your house?
The right says...put him in jail
The left says...what social injustice made him steal...
Luckily many Americans see the difference...
so I guess you proved me wrong on one point...the Left does have ideas...but these ideas are being rejected by most Americans..
And if this is what they really think, why does the Democratic party hide from what they really think? Why isn't Dean and Kerry out there saying we need to understand these people...all we hear is that we have to run away...
Spreading freedom and democracy is the way to turn things worked in Japan, it might work in China...
And you really have to get off your idea of me simply listening to Rush and Glenn...I probably actually hear any of those shows about 1-2 hours total a week...its called a job, I have one when they are on...
If I say what they say, its because we agree, not because I simply repeat what they say...I read what you guys say (or don't say) and make my own decisions.
Good point, game.
Jim's disease is more like rabies than malaria. And it is unwise to keep rabid animals alive.
that is a bit harsh...but...
game --
By Jim's disease I meant Jim's fighting disease metaphor. I didn't mean to say that Jim was like a rabid racoon, dog, even though Democrats have been known to foam at the mouth and let a big YEEEARGH from time to time.
Arabic papers depict jews Der Steurmer style all of the time. However, I have yet to see Jews burn down foreign embassies in Western countries. Of course, Judaism, unlike Islam, isn't the Religion of Peace.
The Pentagon apparently agrees with me. Their new strategy is featured in the New York Times:
A central piece of the plan, the document says, is the concept of "supporting mainstream efforts to reject violent extremism." The effort requires encouraging those segments of the Islamic world that support inclusion, moderation and tolerance.
It also calls on all members of the military "to be aware of the culture, customs, language and philosophy of affected populations and the enemy, to more effectively counter extremism
not the point of the post...
the Muslim protesters resemble people who protest speeches by Gonzalez, or Coulter, or Bush....that is what the post is about...
not about all muslims, not about a way to deal with the islamic you on task is hard
Jim --
The problem is that the wackos are running governments in Islamic countries. This isn't a surprise -- did you know that 60% of Muslims living in the UK want sharia law? In the UK! The UK is already bending over backwards, banning images of Piglet in some public places. Yes, Piglet from Winnie The Pooh.
A secular society should NOT bend over backwards for religious fanatics. Why oppose Christian fanatics here but allow Islamic fanatics to have NBCs?
Let us look at another liberal hero. Ahmandinejad believes a bunch of apocalyptic crap -- that one must make war and chaos to bring about the return of the 12th Imam. He denies the holocaust plans to wipe Israel "off the map." He isn't threatening us with an apocalypse -- his policy goal IS the apocalypse.
I shouldn't worry -- liberals insist it is just another culture that needs to be "understood." Bullshit -- this attitude is going to get us all killed.
Do you support David Duke? The Syrian government does. Duke was just over there giving an anti-Jew rally for thousands of people side-by-side with members of the Syrian government.
Hamas, my friend, is a terrorist organization committed to the genocide of the Jews.
Why the Democratic Party continues to make excuses for Islamofascism is beyond me.
And Jews vote for them...please explain that to me!!!!
Liberals don't protest Hamas or bombing of schools...they protest Ann Coulter and the US government...simply showing they are only interesting in weaking the US...well, they also do that by putting up with terrorism and radical Islam
So the deal here is you post something that is all over the place, I logically refute (with citations) one or more or your asinine assertions, and then since you have no credible response, you say I'm off task.
OK, I get it.
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