March 1, 2006
This is my first annual Oscar predictions column, for which I am uniquely qualified by not having seen a single one of the movies nominated in any category. I've never even watched an Oscar ceremony, except once when a friend called me 35 minutes into Halle Berry's acceptance speech and I managed to catch only the last 20 minutes of it.
I shall grant my awards based on the same criteria Hollywood studio executives now use to green-light movies: political correctness. Also, judging by most of the nominees this year, the awards committee prefers movies that are wildly unpopular with audiences.
The box office numbers for this year's favorite, "Brokeback Mountain," are more jealously guarded than the nuclear codes in the president's black box. Hollywood liberals want the government to release everything we know about al-Zarqawi, but refuse to release the number of people who have seen "Brokeback Mountain."
I shall summarize the plots of the five movies nominated for best picture below:
— "Brokeback Mountain" (gay)
— "Capote" (death penalty with bonus gay lead)
— "Crash" (racism)
— "Good Night, and Good Luck" (McCarthyism)
— "Munich" (Jew athletes at Munich had it coming)
Everyone says it's going to be "Crash," but I think "Crash" is too popular with filmgoers. Moreover, Hollywood feels it has done enough for the blacks. Hollywood can never do enough for the gays. Gays in the military, gays in the Texas Rangers, gays on the range. It's like a brokeback record! As Pat Buchanan said, homosexuality has gone from "the love that dare not speak its name" to "the love that won't shut up."
Is the idea of gay cowboys really that new? Didn't the Village People do that a couple of decades ago? Am I the only person who saw John Travolta in "Urban Cowboy"?
Movies with the same groundbreaking theme to come:
— "Westward Homo!"
— "The Magnificent, Fabulous Seven"
— "Gunfight at the K-Y Corral"
— "How West Hollywood Was Won"
OK, back to predictions. The best director award will go to ... Ang Lee, director of "Brokeback Mountain." (For analysis, see above.) Also, this is gays directed by an Asian, which should satisfy the gaysians. Hands down: Ang Lee.
The nominees for best actor in a leading role are:
— Philip Seymour Hoffman, "Capote"
— Terrence Howard, "Hustle & Flow"
— Heath Ledger, "Brokeback Mountain"
— Joaquin Phoenix, "Walk the Line"
— David Strathairn, "Good Night, and Good Luck"
The winner in this category will be ... Philip Seymour Hoffman. The awards committee can't give everything to "Brokeback Mountain," and at least Truman Capote was gay (though not a cowboy). I personally would have chosen the lion in the Narnia movie, but he wasn't even nominated.
The nominees for best actress in a leading role are:
— Judi Dench, "Mrs. Henderson Presents"
— Felicity Huffman, "Transamerica"
— Keira Knightley, "Pride & Prejudice"
— Charlize Theron, "North Country"
— Reese Witherspoon, "Walk the Line"
I gather Reese Witherspoon is very good in "Walk the Line," but that's irrelevant — this is the Oscars! Felicity Huffman plays a pre-op transsexual in "Transamerica." That strikes a chord in Hollywood. It's not exactly gay, but close enough! I say Huffman wins.
For best actress in a supporting role, Rachel Weisz ought to win for "The Constant Gardener" because it's about how drug companies are evil, which to me is the essence of quality acting. Plus, English accent equals good acting. But Michelle Williams ("Brokeback Mountain") is engaged to Heath Ledger, who played a gay guy in "Brokeback Mountain." So I pick Weisz, with Williams as the dark-horse favorite.
The best original screenplay will be "Good Night, and Good Luck" as Hollywood's final tribute to the old Stalinists (Hollywood's version of "The Greatest Generation"). George Clooney has been mau-mauing the awards committee by going around boasting that conservatives have called him a "traitor," although I believe the precise term was "airhead."
Finally, my favorite category: best foreign language film. The nominees are:
— "Don't Tell" (Italy)
— "Joyeux Noel" (France)
— "Paradise Now" (Palestine)
— "Sophie Scholl" (Germany)
— "Tsotsi" (South Africa)
After consulting with the Yale admissions committee, the awards committee will give the Oscar to ... "Paradise Now," a heartwarming story about Palestinian suicide bombers. How good is it? Al-Jazeera gave it 4 1/2 pipe bombs. It's Air Syria's featured in-flight movie this month — go figure! I don't want to spoil the ending for you, but let's just say there won't be a sequel.
Normally, the smart money is on the Holocaust movie, so any other year, "Sophie Scholl" would have been the clear favorite. Unfortunately for the makers of "Sophie Scholl," their Holocaust movie came out the same year as a pro-terrorist movie, so they lose.
As a final prediction, for the second year, there will be no mention of Dutch filmmaker Theo van Gogh, who was brutally murdered by an angry Muslim a little over a year ago on the streets of Amsterdam. (Now that's blacklisted!) I also predict this will be the lowest-rated Oscars ever. Remember to turn off your cell phones, no talking ... or sleeping.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Ann Coulter's most entertaining article ever!!!
Posted by
The Game
3:46 PM
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Another homophobe rears its head. You are right though, she can entertain with her writing. However, to add to a comment I made earlier, she is also funnier when she doesnt talk so much.
I actually laughed out loud twice:
The best director award will go to ... Ang Lee, director of "Brokeback Mountain." (For analysis, see above.) Also, this is gays directed by an Asian, which should satisfy the gaysians
best line in there...
Why you tolerate Rhyno and his ugly blanket statements, I can't understand. Check out Haloscan and you can lift the quality of debate by doing a little selective weeding. Believe me, his ilk are not worth the type space. Liberals won't give us the same respect on their blog sites that you show him.
But back to your point about debating moderate liberals, which is an oxymoron, they don't exist. I've become bored with their ignorant, uninformed statements and I ignore them. I won't give them the forum anymore and I don't visit their blogs. They are not interested in true debate. They are only interested conservative destruction at any cost. But my hits have increased since I've taken a sterner tone.
Coulter's column was genius. Ann has more creative sizzle than a dozen gay cowboy movies. You watch, I won't, it's going to be gay night at the Oscars because Hollywood is bored with the black man.
I'm still peeved with what Lee did to The Hulk.
Oh, to the contrary, Espella, part of the fun of people like Rhyno is that taking them apart is so easy... As much as I'd like to debate libs about their ideas, they don't have any so I'm left with ripping their criticisms apart... of course occasionally they claim victory when we don't respond, but most of the time that's either when they haven't said anything substantive enough to analyze, or when I've been too busy enjoying the finer things in life to come back and read their desperate blather... which has happened several times...
truth be told, I didn't even know Karena had banned me and deleted all my comments from her blog until almost a month later...
"If you think you're something special, try ordering someone else's dog around"
Considering neither one of you has been able to take me apart, except to yourselves, it just gives greater strength to my argument that most conservatives cant debate, and dont even know why they think the way they do. Though, I do have to thank you guys for more than that. I was beginning to think you two were the same person since neither or you made your lame and ignorant comments on the same posts. As far as why Game tolerates me, I guess you'll have to ask him yourelf. Though, how calling Ann Coulter a homophobe which she clearly is, makes an intolerable blanket statement is all but confusing your own little deluded world.
Oh, and game....I forgot about 'Good Night and Good Luck" for a movie that was really good, and in the running for the Oscar.
Was that you Rhyno?
Just because Ann is pointing out the love fest for the gay man does not make her a homophobe...you don't that is pulling out the _____ card....
Insert the group of people that are being talked about. When liberals have no argument, they simply say we are racists or whatever...they are scared that the truth is being told about one of the precious groups that blindly votes for them...
I do tolerate Jim, Ron (but he has gone off the deep end now...there doesn't seem to be any use for him) and Rhyno because I like to debate...and while you conservatives can say what they are saying is crap, what makes it fun is showing them what they say is crap....
I also like seeing great articulation of ideas from the conservatives...so I am trying to get all of what I want...
Anony, read my comments from 11:48 and 11:42 in this thread for an explanation of what is considered civilized debate here.
The media is really pushing the love that won't shut up. DH picked up the Chicago Trib and there was a lengthy article about how women were flocking in droves to BB Mountain and finding the loves scenes "hot". Ick! I can't imagine anything less hot than 2 guys lovin' each other.
Like I want to read you thoughts on whats civilized, or not. Anyway, game...as I have said, the real conservatives will die before admitting that there is any paradigm than theirs. I dont call that debate, I call that ignorance. You can make fun of them all you want, and I do, but it isnt debate.
Why don't you show us simpletons an example of what isn't ignorant? You want to show there is a real viewpoint that's different? Okay, then what is it? Show it. Support it. Answer questions about it.
rhyno, I think this is all good debate...but then you throw generalities that have no facts to back them up. We defend our positions here, we debate.
There is nothing wrong with standing up for your position. YOu do, Jim does, I do, we all do. I try my hardest to never say that you or Jim are simply "reading talking points" like you guys like to say. I believe that is your position because you thought about it and believe it.
That is what I do no matter how many times you imply I simply listen to Rush and repeat what he says...thats crap...
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