Wednesday, March 29, 2006


The Stars and Stripes have been replaced by the Mexican flag at Chasewood North, and residents of the condominium community off Central Boulevard are puzzled as to who made the switch.

"I woke up Sunday morning and looked up from my patio and then realized that the American flag wasn't on the flagpole," said Sue Miller a Chasewood North board member. "What captured my attention were the colors — at first I thought it was an Italian flag, but one of our residents said it was the Mexican flag.

"I went to the flagpole, to see if the American flag was maybe on the ground, but they took it, and they cut the rope to get the American flag down and the Mexican flag up as well."

A best estimate of when the switch took place is Saturday night... It may be several weeks before the Stars and Stripes once again fly over Chasewood North, according to Miller, who at one time was the resident manager of the complex.

"We tried to get the flag down but couldn't, so we need to hire a company with a boom truck to get up there and replace the rope and put up the American flag," she said. "I would guesstimate that this would cost $500 or more to do."

Yes, all these people here illegally....they LOVE America...they can't wait to be apart of this country....all they want is to be a part of thewelfaree system...PERIOD...

Take your Mexican flag and go back to the hell hole you created.


Anonymous said...

Heh, while I dont agree with what was done, I gotta hand it to whomever did it. That was an awesome prank.

Jim said...

"Yes, all these people here illegally....they LOVE America...they can't wait to be apart of this country....all they want is to be a part of the welfaree system ... PERIOD...".

You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you?

The Game said...

much more than you do...what do you do that allows you to be with these people every day?

I am, I live in fantasy land..

But that fantasy land and that of the Left is rotting American from within...with people who do not care about this country one percent...

And your idealistic brain that thinks the Left cares about them is wrong...they only care about votes

The Game said...

Tell me Jim, what does this mean then??? People protesting to let illegal people do illegal things, all the while taking down amercian flags and putting up mexican flags...I guess in the mind of a liberal that is love of America...

Anonymous said...

Scorpion says---
Awesome prank? Awful!Welfaree system? Definitely!What an insult to all people who did what was required to become a part of this country and learned the language besides.Otherwise,if things were then as they are now how many different languages would have to have buttons on the machine on the counter at KMART? Yes,they are illegal immigrants,and it should be
their RESPONSIBILITY to fulfill the
requirements necessary to be in the country legally. Meet all of the requirements,as everyone else has,and have no debate whatsoever.
Unfortunately,this group of immigrants wants to not have to do
what all other immigrant groups have always done,and "jumbled" thinking will allow this to happen.
Wonder what my grandfather who was proud to meet the requirements to be a citizen and a part of this country would think of this mess. I KNOW what he'd say about what the
idiots did with the flag.

The Game said...

Immigrants used to be proud to try and assimilate into the American culture...they were proud to be American..this doesn't happen anymore and for some reason people like Jim don't care.

And the Left has proven that they do not care at all about personal responsibility.

The Game said...

commish...very simple, to the point and common way to argue that, but I'd like to see rhyno and jim try

Anonymous said...

I think some people have been watching too many WWII movies. Though, once again, it is stunning how typical conservatives see everything through there blackened glasses, and cant read even the simplest statements without.....well, not seeing them. Every con claims that Mexicans are fucking up the economy, lazy, not willing to learn the language, or whatever. Each and every one of those statements being backed up by shit except the staters own bigotry and closed mind. Yeah, I said it was a great prank, cuz it was. I certainly dont agree with messing with a community's flag, but loved the prank side of it. If I wanted to really piss someone off, I would duct tape something 'offensive' up insted of what was already there. Oh wait, did that in college, and gots lots of attention for it. It IS a great way. sorry for you.

Dear commish:

Nobody gives a fuck where your ancestors came from or what you would do. It has no relevence to the current situation. Nor, does it have relevence what some herring chucker would have thought. You arent savvy enough to mindread what the prankster had in mind when he replaced the flag, either. Give it up, and quit making something ridiculous out of a simple prank.

The Game said...

It is not just the switching of the flag, it is the fact that a great deal of people protesting want to give a free pass to people who broke the law...they don't respect this countries laws, they don't care about America...and if you think they are helping this country...why is the place all of them come from one of the biggest pieces of shit on earth

The Game said...

oh, and ryhno did what all "progressives" do when someone says something that is true....they simply use the race card and tell the person they are not smart enough to understand the complexity of the issue.

Ron said...

i dont give a rats ass about flags of anykind. It is just a symbol. what people do and the kind of nation they form is "reality". To argue about the flag on this issue is such a red herring when we are talking about primarly economics. Commis. rhyno is right. you can see someone whos mind goes robot when they see an american flag.