Sunday, March 05, 2006

'Crash' Pulls Off Best-Picture Oscar

This was the only "best picture" movie I saw, and it is good. Go see it if you want to see a movie that portrays all types of shows all sides of the racial war in this country and it is fairly true...

Oh, and to show what class and taste I have...I saw Memoirs of a Geisha (wonderful movie) and I think it won more awards than the gay cowboys eating pudding movie...didn't it? Feels good to be right, and that is why I always feel good.


Jim said...

How did you like the tribute to the "classic" cowboy movies at the beginning of the show?

Actually, Brokeback Mountain won 3 Oscars tonight. Did any other movie win more?

Anonymous said...

Actually, of the mejor awards, Geisha won 2. Crash, BB Mountain and King Kong netted 3 each.

As Jon Stewart said "Scorsese - zero Oscars, 3 6 Mafia - 1 Oscar." I loved that comment!

The Game said...

I only saw small parts of it, I saw geisha win 2. I did see the classic cowboy thing, it was okay...

the political ads for best actress was funny

The Game said...

oh, and Roxy, based on your report the gaysians will be happy