Today there seems to be a great deal of stories regarding schools.
High school teacher's comments investigated by district
Now, I have to admit I do not want to drill this teacher all the way with this small amount of information. A teacher should not be comparing GWB to Hitler....I know some of you crazy people like to do that, but this is school and teachers SHOULD know better. However, since about 70% of teachers are infected with liberalism, they can not help it. I am not sure why it seems liberal history teachers or liberal teachers in general see no problem with injecting their personal beliefs into their classrooms.
During the 2004 election I saw a few teachers show Michael Moore's movie. Number one, that movie is 100% crap. If you need to show it, a teacher then would need to show a very biased movie either showing Bush looking great or Moore/Kerry looking like crap. None of them did. My kids had a hard time figuring out which side I was on, which is the way it should be.
Students protest teacher's suspension
Bush goes on 'trial' in Morris
President Bush is being tried for "crimes against civilian populations" and "inhumane treatment of prisoners" at Parsippany High School, with students arguing both sides before a five-teacher "international court of justice." The panel's verdict could come as soon as Friday...These people should all be fired...
And just a few stories that are not about liberal teachers trying to impose their political views on students:
Teen accused of threatening school massacre
Calif. School Suspends 20 Who Saw Web Site
Twenty middle-schoolers were suspended for two days after viewing a boy's posting on the Web site that contained an alleged threat, school officials said.
Police are investigating the boy's comments about his classmate as a possible hate crime, and the district is trying to expel the boy from TeWinkle Middle School.
Side seems to me that is schools next potential evil.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
What is going on in our schools?
Posted by
The Game
2:25 PM
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"President Bush is being tried for "crimes against civilian populations" and "inhumane treatment of prisoners" at Parsippany High School, with students arguing both sides before a five-teacher "international court of justice." The panel's verdict could come as soon as Friday...These people should all be fired...'
Do you have more? The value for this for current events is very good.
Plus, Michael Moore's stretching choice of direction may be crap, but the movies are always solid.
See, I own both it, and Fahrenhype. I enjoy the dissection it gives to the original, because I complained about stuff in it myself. As a MOVIE, its solid. His only problem in that flick is that he wanted to be an asshat to Bushie so badly, that he took too many stretches in the story lines. It weakened the overall pieces, but not as a whole. Now, I saw some of the anti Kerry propoganda movie. That was total junk movie making. I saw a movie called "The god that wasnt there" and it was total propoganda junk of the same (un)caliber. Someone could have made a response to that film, but it was so bad, nobody had to bother. FYI, a lot of schools in the South showed that movie to their classrooms.
Oh, nevermind then, I didn't understand that even though everything Moore says in the movie is either an outright lie or an intentional deception, the move as a whole is "solid". /sarcasm
What total BS. You don't build a bridge out of moldy styrofoam, slap some paint on it and call it "solid" just 'cause it looks like steel and concrete.
Here's a little hint...if everybody in the world believes something is true, that doesn't make it true, it makes it "accepted"... which is the case for Farenheit 9/11 and the vast majority of those who religiously (yes, religiously, as there is no analytical thought behind it) call it anything other than deceptive propaganda labled "documentary."
that is all good rhyno, but how many teachers showed all these other movies? many showed moores
I know one teacher at my school said that if bush was elected all the students would be in a draft...
and a few told kids if you vote for Bush you are an idiot...
I know some of you MIGHT agree with that...but it is not something a teacher should be saying
Only a government school would come up with suspending students for viewing a certain website on their own time on their own computers... The people responsible should be immediately fired and blacklisted from our children's lives. Not because that act itself is so wrong (well, yes it is), but because the mindset that it's the school and government's job to asses punishments for even suspected thoughtcrime.
If there's anyobdy who sees this who doesn't get chills down your spine, there's something wrong with you.
Game, what do you mean about Myspace being "schools next potential evil" ?
kids are setting up sex parties on there, and this is a very easy way for sexual deviants to get their hands on some young kids...
There have been many stories about it, and this is just the beginning...
Myspace does nothing to protect kids, it is so popular most kids are on it, any many of theses kids have very low self esteem and are looking for leaves them open to rape and molestation...
So, yeah, your opinion doesnt hold water, mike. Take off the tinted glasses. For someone so fascistly addicted to definitions, you dont understand what a documentary is.
Oh, adn game, shouldnt parents be monitoring what their children are doing, and not forcing the medium to do it?
"so, yeah" what?
fascistly addicted... yeah, great response...when you have nothing to say you throw up the fascist/nazi references, just like a good liberal... have a biscuit
# a film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event
# objective: emphasizing or expressing things as perceived without distortion of personal feelings, insertion of fictional matter, or interpretation; "objective art"
# Refers to film or video that explores a subject in a way the public expects to be factual and accurate. Documentaries may be balanced by including various viewpoints, or they may be subjective, offering the viewpoint and impressions of one producer.
Game, do you think schools should censor myspace and similar websites? Just curious, what sorts of internet controls/rules/filters does your school employ, if any?
To be honest, I know very little about the MySpace culture and related, and admittedly it's quite disturbing, particularly the things you mentioned. Is there anything you think schools should do about it or is it a lost cause up to the parents? is blocked at my school. I know parents should be the number one filter...but there is a whole bunch of stuff going on around kids is not a bad thing to have help...
you're right, help where available is always a good thing. I just can't help but think of the saying, "The quickest way to get everyone to do something is to forbid it."
y'know, I'd give up electricity, running water and soap if I could trade them for not ever having to worry about keeping my kids safe from all the stuff out there today and the unimaginable horrors yet to come ...some days... *sigh*
Well, back to the world of dreams, eh?
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