Tuesday, April 18, 2006

AP: States Omit Minorities' School Scores

Okay, I'll just throw this out there?
Why do minorities, on average, perform much worse than whites on standardized tests?
I have heard every answer...but I really want you guys to tell me your reason...

Curious because I talk about the inner city and personal responsibility all the time, and certain people either agree with me, or argue that they are not disagreeing with me...

Let's see what you guys say here...


Anonymous said...

Once upon a "career crisis", I went back to college and took some education classes thinking I may become a teacher....
(OK OK OK - I'd have LOVED the gravy schedule AND big pay BUT could NOT have handled the union).)
Anyhow, back to point, in the liberal indoctrination they call education classes, we were told that the reason is because "standardized" means standardized to the average middle class white child........
Hence, the version from educators is that ebonics, etc. get in the way........
Imagine that? If a good conservative suggested that - he or she would be called racist. Heh.

The Game said...

yes yes, I have heard everything...wish more liberals would come here and state all the excuses made for minorities...I wanted to hear them all...

What is the excuse for getting high on crack and not reading to your kid?.....oh ya, the man.

Anonymous said...

all reasonable points...

From a testing standpint, the simple answer is that they arent targetted at minorities. The blame can be conjectured, but its the responsibility of the students to learn the necessary skills to advance in the college system, not the test writers fault for making a test that gives the colleges exactly what they are looking for...potentially successful students.