Sunday, April 23, 2006


These are the kind of stories that get me mad.

When I write that it is the Left that is intollerant and only likes free speech when it is there speech, this is the kind of story I am talking about...

Some will say, "these are not liberals".....I say ha!
Univerities are filled with liberals, and ones who are not afraid to show it. Read this:

Another unbelievable, moonbatty story from academia. David Bernstein at The Volokh Conspiracy, linking to the Penn State Collegian, spotlights an anti-terrorism art exhibit being canceled at Penn State University:

For Penn State student Josh Stulman, years of hard work ended in disappointment yesterday when the university cancelled his upcoming art exhibit for violation of Penn State's policies on nondiscrimination, harassment and hate.

Three days before his 10-piece exhibit — Portraits of Terror — was scheduled to open at the Patterson Building, Stulman (senior-painting and anthropology) received an e-mail message from the School of Visual Arts that said his exhibit on images of terrorism "did not promote cultural diversity" or "opportunities for democratic dialogue" and the display would be cancelled.

The exhibit, Stulman said, which is based mainly on the conflict in Palestinian territories, raises questions concerning the destruction of Jewish religious shrines, anti-Semitic propaganda and cartoons in Palestinian newspapers, the disregard for rules of engagement and treatment of prisoners, and the indoctrination of youth into terrorist acts.

"I'm being censored and the reason for censoring me doesn't make sense," Stulman said.

Charles Garoian, professor and director of the School of Visual Arts, said Stulman's controversial images did not mesh with the university's educational mission.

The decision to cancel the exhibit came after reviewing Penn State's Policy AD42 [the policy, which, in my educated opinion, is clearly unconstutionally overbroad even if it actually applies to Stulman's exhibit, can be found here]: Statement on Nondiscrimination and Harassment and Penn State's Zero Tolerance Policy for Hate, he wrote.


[Stulman] said he was shocked at the university's decision to cancel the exhibit and that he has tried to meet with Garoian on numerous occasions to discuss his artwork.

"It's not about hate. I don't hate Muslims. This is not about Islam," Stulman said. "This is about terrorism impacting the Palestinian way of life and Israel way of life.


Jim said...

So Michelle Malkin, hack that she is, has presented another person's work as the final truth in the matter while completely disregarding this quote from the Penn State Student website which she herself cited as a source (which she obviously did not actually read):

Penn State spokesman Bill Mahon wrote in an e-mail message that "there are other issues involved in the display that has caused a problem, issues that have nothing to do with the content of the painting."

So there is more to this story than Malkin is willing or able to look into. She's simply a hack trying to make a point that she hasn't even researched enough to know what the whole story is just so she can slime "liberals".

THIS is what is called "media bias".

Anonymous said...

Carroll would have done the same thing, and they were anything but a liberal institution. Also, you cant say uni's are full of liberals so its liberal policy that did this. Every case is going to be separate. Regardless, its bullshit if the exhibit really wasnt hate related.

Jim said...

The point is, Game, that the whole story is not known, but there must be more to it if you actually do read this quote from the webpage cited by the hack Malkin herself which I repeat here:

"Penn State spokesman Bill Mahon wrote in an e-mail message that 'there are other issues involved in the display that has caused a problem, issues that have nothing to do with the content of the painting.'"

Either you didn't read every word or you didn't comprehend it.

The Game said...

Ummmm....he is lying...or spinning, however you want to look at it...

Did you ever go to College...guess, the admin doesn't lie.

See Jim, liberals have to lie when they are in public because they know what they think and the decisions they make make them look like crazy jackasses...

So when this guy lies, he knows what Penn State is doing is crap, but to all his PC liberal friends, it is the right thing to do so we don't upset any terrorists

jhbowden said...

Herbert Marcuse, a thinker highly respected on the left, once wrote that "liberating tolerance" means "intolerance against movements from the Right, and toleration of movements from the Left." Assailing the “sacred liberalistic principle of equality for "the other side,” Marcuse advocated “the withdrawal of toleration of speech and assembly from groups and movements which promote aggressive policies, armament, chauvinism, discrimination on the grounds of race and religion, or which oppose the extension of public services, social security, medical care, etc.”

The left's lack of objectivity, along with their political correctness, isn't hypocrisy. It is deliberate, and has been going on since the 1960s.

Jim said...

Game, what kind of bulls**t answer is that? You have absolutely know knowledge whatsoever about the truth of Bill Mahon's statement. None. Zip. Nada. Or do you? Nope.

His statement indicates that there is more to this story than hack Malkin knows or cares to find out about.

So don't tell me he's lying. That's libel unless you can prove it. And you can't.