Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The future of health care in America

Mass. Lawmakers OK Mandatory Health Bill

Lawmakers overwhelmingly approved a bill Tuesday that would make Massachusetts the first state to require that all its citizens have some form of health insurance.

Universal health care is going to happen in this country. The Dem's have the momentum on this one...
How will it happen. States like Mass. will pass it. It will work okay in the beginning because the tax base in Mass. consists of enough wealthy people. There are enough people working and making money and already having insurance to cover the ones who don't.

That will spark more and more states to do it, until the Dem's put pressure to have a national plan. The Right will cave because they don't want to lose elderly votes.

Then, the system will eventually turn into an inefficient, very expensive system. It will be just like everything else that gets out of control and too big to fix...we will all have to shrug our shoulders and say, "oh well, that's the way it is"


The Game said...

we have been moving toward socialism since the 1960's..when the liberal hippies started the slow distruction of America from within...
But now their crazy ideas are becoming more and more accepted...actually it is just the PC movement that makes it wrong and shameful to dispute liberal thought

Jim said...

Or...we can let the country go bankrupt due to huge increases in medical care costs.

Anonymous said...

Dont forget how those outrageous costs are killing the insurance system, too Jim.

Mike M said...

The country is never going to go bankrupt because something is expensive. Think about it, if the government wasn't paying for healthcare, there's no way it could possibly bankrupt them, no matter how expensive it got.

Second, the money is going somewhere. Money doesn't just evaporate when it's spent, it ultimately goes to pay someone else for their time and labor. Whether that's a stockholder of a drug company or the janitor that works at the hospital. All of whom pay taxes, so where's the problem?

Mike M said...

I've heard several commentators describe the Mass. solution as avoiding the major problems normally associated with socialist systems such as Hillarycare. I haven't had time to actually look it over though. Does anyone know details? Or are liberals just going to say, "Great" and conservatives, "Oh no"? There's a lot of completely ignorant rhetoric being tossed around, maybe we can find some details and educate ourselves a little...

Jim said...

The deal is that everyone MUST have health insurance. Those with the lowest incomes receive subsidized health insurance.

This gets uncovered people out of the emergency rooms, sick people off the street, and healthy children in the schools.

Romney is a Republic and he signed the legislation.

Jim said...

The deal is that everyone MUST have health insurance. Those with the lowest incomes receive subsidized health insurance.

This gets uncovered people out of the emergency rooms, sick people off the street, and healthy children in the schools.

Romney is a Republic and he signed the legislation.

The Game said...

Jim did say something true...poor people cost hospitals tons of money because they wait until they are really sick, then go to the ER.

Dedanna said...

Oh, c'mon game, you know that it costs only pennies out of each paycheck for each working person (as a tax) to make it efficient, and keep costs down.

The expensiveness comes from the drug whores at the pharmacies and medical companies (the corporate ones that you support).

A nationalized health care plan would abolish that --

How do you think england does it? I'd pay $2 out of each paycheck if it took it (and with all the ppl in this country, I can guarantee it wouldn't) to be able to get medical care.

Hey, I'll go you one better -- that $87 bil we spent on the iraqi war would be a nice start. :)