Saturday, April 22, 2006

Howard Dean Trying to 'Muzzle' Churches

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean's recent comments calling on groups in the religious community "to decide whether they want to be tax exempt or involved in politics" drew the ire of a Catholic-based advocacy group on Friday.

Dean's remarks were made during an interview with the Christian Science Monitor on Wednesday.

"Howard Dean's statement makes it clear that he wants to muzzle America's churches and religious groups from professing what they believe on important issues facing our society," said Joseph Cella, president of Fidelis, a Catholic-based advocacy organization.

"When it comes to debates over public policy and issues, Dean should be welcoming the voice of America's churches, not attempting to silence them," said Cella.

excuse me, this is not new. If you don't agree with the Left, they will do anything they can to take away your First amendment rights. To them, its only free speech when it is their speech. This is just another example.


Jim said...

Yes, it's only the left that does this. Or is it?

From the Washington Times or USA Today:

"The Internal Revenue Service has warned a prominent liberal church that it could lose its tax-exempt status because of an anti-war sermon that a guest preacher gave on the eve of the 2004 presidential election, according to church officials."

Apparently Dean is basing his remarks on federal statutes.

How dare he?

Dedanna said...

Besides, game puppy, the law states (and it's one that Dean is merely attempting to reflect in the churches, that it is NOT being followed, no thanx to the right):
Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It's called Separation of Church and State.

States that the institutions of the state or national government should be kept separate from those of religious institutions.

And, my game-playing friend, since your prez took over, there hasn't been enough separation by far.

The Game said...

I know what separation of church and state is...

And it has nothing to do with has to do with the govt forcing someone who practice a certain religion...

now, maybe liberals have twisted that fact, but if you go back to the federalist papers and Thomas Jefferson writings, you would see what they were talking about...

Jim said...

Yes, Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802:

Mr. President

To messers Nehemiah Dodge, Ephraim Robbins, & Stephen S. Nelson a committee of the Danbury Baptist association in the state of Connecticut.


The affectionate sentiments of esteem & approbation which you are so good as to express towards me, on behalf of the Danbury Baptist association, give me the highest satisfaction. my duties dictate a faithful & zealous pursuit of the interests of my constituents, and in proportion as they are persuaded of my fidelity to those duties, the discharge of them becomes more & more pleasing.

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state [emphasis added]. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.

I reciprocate your kind prayers for the protection and blessing of the common Father and creator of man, and tender you for yourselves and your religious association, assurances of my high respect & esteem.

(signed) Thomas Jefferson

The Game said...

you are obviously not intelligent enough to understand this writing or any other by Jefferson....what is an establishment of religion...

the government not making someone follow certain religion...there are many other writings that go into that...

but the fact that you write that here in some kind of an attempt to show that there should be NO religion or mention of God or any prayer in govt shows either 1. how little you understand when you read something or 2. your bias is so great that you chose to read things in a certain way..

why did/do congress have a chaplan?
Why were the founding fathers so deeply relgious, why did they mention god and prayer often...

because they understood the importance of religion on society.

But you don't, liberalism is godlessness, you hate someone telling you what is write is wrong, everyone should be able to make personal choices, right Jim?

The right to choose, right? Life was better when people thought they had to follow right and wrong, the more liberal we get, the worse our society gets...

Jim said...

Of course I understand the establishment clause. I also understand what Jefferson's understanding of the meaning of the establishiment clause was. My intelligence has no relationship to my agreement or disagreement with your positions. But I know you think I'm a moron; you've said so in so many words.

I have never said that there should be no mention of God or religion in government. You only presume that, because to you, Christianity is the ONLY religion. So if I or anyone else thinks that Christianity should not be favored by the government, you translate that into "liberals want to eliminate all religion" or that Christians are being persecuted. Both of these are baloney, of course.

Some of the founding fathers were deeply religious. Others were not. Some were Christian, others were not.

Of course religion is a very important part of any society, and all members of society should be, as they are, free to practice their religion as they see fit. See, I understand that.

"Liberalism is godlessness." That is an outragious LIE. It is you has has no clue about religion and those who practice it.

I don't need you or anybody else to tell me what is right and what is wrong. I've been taught it all my life from people whom I love and respect. I've been taught it by my teachers, my parents, and my pastors. I don't need you, James Dobson, or Bill Bennet to tell me right from wrong.

You said, "[E]veryone should be able to make personal choices, right Jim?" To which I offer, "Americans do not have to use less energy, that is why we are a free country..."

The Game said...

you didn't make a bad argument until you said:

I don't need you or anybody else to tell me what is right and what is wrong.

Yes, people do need that, especially when they are young...and you really admitted you did need people telling you what is right and wrong. I do, you do, we all need guidance. There is nothing wrong with that.

But the fact that many feel there really is no right and wrong...everything is gray...not good for a society

Jim said...

Of course we need to be taught when we are young. But I don't need James Dobson telling me what's right or wrong now.

"But the fact that many feel there really is no right and wrong...everything is gray"

Many who? I don't know anybody who actually believes that. Do you? Don't say liberals, because that's not true of course. But really, who do you know that feels there really is no right and wrong?

Jim said...


Do you have a website address for the secular humanists? I haven't read their stuff so the only thing I know about it is what Bill O'Reilly tells me, and I watch him every night.

Anonymous said...

Its obvious that Jefferson was aware of the effect that religion has on people, and the ability of gov't officials to use it to their own ends. Also, it appears that the cons on here are the ones having trouble differentiating between gov't and society. Painfully, the administration cant seem to separate them, either. Its one of the main reasons they can be called far right wing. Most religions are so heel-draggingly slow at moving with society, that they have to be conservative, by definition. I repeat a claim of mine: the day the Pubs hitched their wagon to the religious freak show in this country, they were doomed. Claim to traditional conservative issues has been lost, they are losing mass appeal, and the party itself is in turmoil.

Anonymous said...

""But the fact that many feel there really is no right and wrong...everything is gray"

Many who? I don't know anybody who actually believes that."

Jim, it depends on who is making the definitions of right and wrong.

The Game said...


Is it wrong to kill a "fetus"
gray: Well, it depends on what the woman choses, its her own personal right and wrong, only what she thinks...

terrorist or freedom fighters:
Gray: well, no one should judge anyone mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter...

Sex offenders
Gray: well, everyone deserves a second can't judge anyone unless you know each individual person...just because almost every single sex offender repeats his crimes many many times, we have to make sure they are given every opportunity to be rehabilitated...

Putting drug dealers away for good:
Gray: Well, maybe they just made a mistake, we shouldn't punish them their whole lives...they live in bad neighborhoods, they are vicims of racism...they are just trying to feed their families...

this is liberal thought, wishy washy, non-judgemental on many, many issues

Jim said...

Is it wrong to kill a fetus? It's legal. More than 50% of this country believes that abortion should not be outlawed entirely. So, you have a monopoly on the truth, and the law and a majority of Americans are wrong, huh?

Terrorist of Freedom Fighter. Those who actually think about it know the difference. People who purposely kill civilians to create terror are terrorists regardless of their cause. People who fight a military occupation by targeting non-civilians are insurgents. Don't you agree?

I know of nobody anywhere (except members of NAMBLA) who doesn't think sex offenders have done despicable acts. How those sex offenders are dealt with is a matter of laws and recommendations from those who have researched how best to deal with them. Regardless they have done a bad thing. Don't you agree?

Drug dealers should serve a very harsh sentence commensurate with the actual crime. A repeat offender should be jailed for a very long time. Can a drug dealer ever become a productive, law-abiding citizen?

Your idea of "liberal thought" is phoney and false. It's the Limbaugh version, which is bulls**t, of course.

Dedanna said...
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Dedanna said...


To quote you:
but the fact that you write that here in some kind of an attempt to show that there should be NO religion or mention of God or any prayer in govt


It is to say that there should be NO religion or mention of God or any prayer in govt, AND vice-versa!!! GEEZ!!!

Keeps all you moronic religious fascists out of my life, and other's-who-don't-wanna-hear-your-buls!@#t's lives, and well it should!

I've been through this debate a thousand times, and have found it absurd on you conservative religious-righties!!!

Do YOU wanna pay for all the denominations that schools would have to adhere to, in order to have prayer in schools for kids???

Or do you wanna make their parents stand up and take responsibility for them for once?

And you're a frikkin' TEACHER??????

I could shake you in an effort to wake you up, but I know that any attempt would be in vain!!!

The Game said...

I couldn't lower my intelligence low enough to understand dedenna...and I have run out of time to reply to Jim...maybe later...

Dedanna said...

Figures. Again, way over his head...

I love it. lol.