Just go here to see what the followers of liberalism are saying and doing...
Do you identify with this?
Show me web site after web site of conservatives doing stuff like this....thats right, you can't...
Yes Jim, I am saying liberals are crazy and think nothing like the average American...
Well, the new America (mexico north) might think like these people...but not the people that actually are citizens and pay all the taxes.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
A pictures worth a thousand words
Posted by
The Game
11:17 AM
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I'm not always thrilled with the stupidity that comes from conservative corners, but this reminds why I'm no longer with the left.
The left is largely composed of socialists -- in the style of Germany's National Socialist Worker Party (NAZI). This is consistent with their anti-liberal vision of the world inspired by fascist thinkers like Nietzsche, Heidegger, Gadamer and so forth. The less thoughtful of this crowd take the ideas from wackademics at face value -- as Kos puts it, "It's all about winning."
I saw a poster yesterday at the rally where the Reverend Al Sharpton, the Reverend Jesse Jackson (I love how the media is silent about the RELIGIOUS LEFT), Cindy Sheehan attended that said 'Bush is more evil than Bin Laden'.
That is the argument of the modern "liberal" (ahem, socialist) in a nutshell.
no idea who that is...and since you can only find ONE person and I can find web site after web site, march after march, parade after parade...
who has more evidence....no you once again...why can't you admit and/or be proud of who you associate with Jim?
I have never in my life associated with any of the people or groups in the photos or anyone like them. To assert otherwise is yet another lie.
To say that these people on the fringe represent "liberals" is another lie. To say that they represent Democrats is a lie. To say that they represent the "left" is a lie.
why is the DNC at these things...who do these people vote for, why are there so many of them???
Jim --
Evil for the left isn't anything concrete like murder or tyranny. It is the spiritual decay they see in our social conventions from the family to the market to the institutions of our Republic. Hence, the "sheeple" (i.e. me, Game and so forth) need to be liberated, which is why we see the retarded expressions of "resistance."
The name of the game with your side is cynicism, irony, and suspicions about perceived illusions. Hollywood heaped rewards upon the movie American Beauty for depicting resistance to bourgeois conformity. The heros include the man who drops his responsibilities for narcissist pleasures, the authentic gay couple, and the criminal drug dealer making crappy videos for his nihilist girlfriend. The left sees everything else as deadening the soul --the wife represents the superficiality, corruption, and inauthenticity of business. The military, represented by the neighbor, represents sadism and sexual repression. You get the idea.
These rallies are not an aberration. They are your ideas in the flesh.
Many democrats want a strong central government, love leaders like Gore and Dean that yell and scream, constantly obsess about races, hold an intense hatred of Israel, advocate strong government control over the market, embrace censorship though speech codes, believe an authentic Volk ahem "community" is more important than liberty and freedom, state that ideas like truth and justice only disguise power relations, and believe dictatorships are better than democracies.
I do my best not to call the left liberal, because there's nothing liberal about these people.
you are actually correct about the liberal name...
What a load of horse manure!
Good movie, though.
Game said...
why is the DNC at these things
Who says anyone from the DNC was? Cite it please? Thx.
jason said...
The left is largely composed of socialists -- in the style of Germany's National Socialist Worker Party (NAZI).
Who says the left is this sort of Socialist?
working on thesis, but here is one example of DNC at illegal immigrant rallies...
I see one person there, tied to the DNC in any way, and there's nothing mentioning that he's tied to it; that being General Ramsey Clark. He is liberal, and very left-wing, true, but I see no mention of the DNC, even in his wikipedia entry? I also see nothing of Marxist affiliation in the wikipedia entry (or any other biographical history), as the Washington Times purports him to be? Don't even see the word "Democrat" anywhere, but in one place at the Marxist story:
Calling its proposed boycott a "day without an immigrant," the coalition has labeled members of Congress -- both Republicans and Democrats -- as "hatemongers," saying it will "settle for nothing less than full amnesty and dignity for the millions of undocumented workers presently in the United States."
Which speaks of both parties, not just one or the other?
I sure hope you're scouring your thesis for objectivity half as much as I am this --
Scorpion says---
Anyone who doesn't realize a soldier who is leaving for active duty is a far better source than some jumbled moron looking for a way to collect a paycheck doesn't
have to worry about anyone elses
objectivity. It will always be far
superior to any comedy brought out in the slapstick sources used in the posts we can all laugh at.
Either xenophobic conservatism or downright psychosis.
cite your sources rhyno, where does it say that Censorship, denial of basic freedoms, forced societies are all examples of 'conservative' policy....you have no credibility if you don't cite links...
see how annoying and lame that is...
This should give you some idea if you don't have one.
rhyno --
Consider this quote:
"Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew -- not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Jewry, would be the self-emancipation of our time.... We recognize in Jewry, therefore, a general present-time-oriented anti-social element, an element which through historical development -- to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed -- has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily dissolve itself. In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Jewry".
This is Karl Marx my friend, straight out of Zur Judenfrage. The differences between national socialism and international socialism are way overblown, and people forget that we're still dealing with socialism in anycase.
Hitler and Mussolini wanted to purge society of its greedy, bourgeois, capitalist, and Jewish elements that were seen as polluting society. They wanted to cleanse society of materialism and create an authentic Volk (community) were man could reach his true potential.
That sounds like the left to me.
In the USSR the story is the same, except the proletariat was the blessed group of people that had the noble, historic mission of liquidating the bourgeois.
Liberal societies like the United States are much different. We let individuals be the architects of their own lives -- that why we have free markets and so forth.
Scorpion says---
Lame and ass both seem to fit the jumbled dunce-like sources that
continue to entertain with regularity.I TRULY hope the amount of time my favorite entertainers on
RIGHT from the RIGHT have to keep
providing the daily comedy "credibility" posts continue
as they get more hilarious each week.No offense, keep stretching.
When you want a strictly limited society, non-pluralistic and exclusive, that is a conservative value. It is limiting, not 'liberaling'. Anti-Jewish sentiment has been a traditional German attitude for hundreds of years. Even 'leftie' icons like Marx will propone its values. For most of the REAL leftist literature, you need to read the brain part of the communist theory, Engels. Hitler and the Muss made all kinds of claims, some of which they actually believed, at times. Most of it was just rhetoric to gain more converts to their side. As far as sources for my claims, above, game...consult your local dictionary. Then, use that expensive private school education that we share, and expound those definitions to real-world examples. When done, impress the scorp by showing the value of that education.
what the hell are you talking about
conservatives want free-open markets..
and rhyno, you have to PROVE your comments, says dedanna...you need documentation, I don't have to do the work
1 a : an adherent or advocate of political conservatism b capitalized : a member or supporter of a conservative political party
2 a : one who adheres to traditional methods or views b : a cautious or discreet person
ya, that is the definition of conservative...that clearly shows all the crap you said
rhyno --
As Ronald Reagan once put it, communists read Marx and Lenin, while anti-Communists *understand" Marx and Lenin. Consider these quotes:
"True, it is a fixed idea with the French that the Rhine is their property, but to this arrogant demand the only reply worthy of the German nation is Arndt's: "Give back Alsace and Lorraine". For I am of the opinion, perhaps in contrast to many whose standpoint I share in other respects, that the reconquest of the German-speaking left bank of the Rhine is a matter of national honour, and that the Germanisation of a disloyal Holland and of Belgium is a political necessity for us. Shall we let the German nationality be completely suppressed in these countries, while the Slavs are rising ever more powerfully in the East?"
"This is our calling, that we shall become the templars of this Grail, gird the sword round our loins for its sake and stake our lives joyfully in the last, holy war which will be followed by the thousand-year reign of freedom."
This is Friedrich Engels, buddy. When are people going to admit that the USSR and the Reich were two apples from the same socialist tree?
If the words and corresponding actions of Hitlers and Stalins cannot be considered evidence because you call conservatism as totalitarianism a priori grounds, that means you're impervious to evidence.
Conservatives here in the United States aren't much different from liberals in the classic sense: they believe the principles of the Enlightenment imbedded in our Republic are worth defending, they believe in free markets, and they think culture is more valuable than counter-culture. American socialists are against the liberal state -- they want a dictatorship fighting for an authentic working-class Volk. Remember Gore -- Ah wul faght fer yoo -- it is always about "fighting" for some reason with leftists. They definitely don't want open markets. And they've been trying to purge society of our cultural heritage, though it hasn't reached a Maoist pitch -- yet.
You guys are heading in Hitler's direction, but have to nerve to call others fascists. It is about time someone calls you punks on it.
Oh, man, this is the kind of convo i love so so much... real intelligent, mind-stimulating, challenging to debate, etc. etc. .................
Just too doggone bad game says he doesn't have to do anything...........
Man, imagine how much better it would be.............................
Imagine... a conservative teacher... debating with those who think they know it all! :)
Scorpion says---
Debate this drivel? I think not!
Enjoy laughing at these credible sources? Always-until something is actually there that isn't anything more than comic-relief.
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