Sunday, April 23, 2006

Voucher schools put to the test

Good, good, good, good!!!!

This is/was the problem with the voucher program. Many of the schools that kids were going to were much, much worse than any MPS school. I have gotten many kids from those corrupt schools. No books, no specialty classes, few/no accredited teachers.

The program is okay with me if the schools the kids go to are proven to be good schools. Simply filling up a building with MPS kids and calling it a charter school or choice school does not make it better....and a few times I have given evidence that it is actually worse.

So, hopefully we get rid of about a third to half the choice schools. Trust me, the kids who might be forced out of the program because their school was not accredited will be better off in MPS.

Why should you say different? Show the statistics proving that choice schools get kids to improve on reading and writing any better than MPS. A kid from a broken home that doesn't know how to read or write, do homework or be responsible is not going to magically pick that up in a charter school. Thinking that is so simplistic.

So, hopefully good parents can get their kids into schools that are actually better than MPS, and all the parents who sent their kids to schools simply because they knew their kid would not even be able to graduate from MPS, or the parent didn't know anything....will have to send their kid back to a school that atleast has teachers and books.

Just to throw this in...notice in the story it is Democrats who oppose any accountability of schools...imagine that.