This is the result of a "slippery slope" if there ever was one.
But this is how it works with liberal ideals...
They take a little bit at a time until they get what they want...
Europe is ahead of us about 10 to 20 years in liberal ideas, so if you want to see what might happen here, just read this story...
What is the liberals REAL position on abortion...not the one they play on TV...
Is this wrong liberals? This story?
or is it okay because a woman can do whatever she wants to her body???
And if you give the answer of no, this is not okay, what is okay?
My real point is that liberals can not say no to abortion of any kind, because that might weaken their position, even when things like this story and late term abortion come up...
Lets see what they say...if anything...
Monday, May 29, 2006
Babies aborted for not being perfect
Posted by
The Game
10:36 AM
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The cited article raises so many questions it's hard to know where to begin.
First of all I note that the big outrage the article tries to create is over abortions during an eight year span in which 20 fetuses with club, 4 with webbed fingers or extra digits, and 1 with a cleft palate were aborted. Twenty-five abortions in eight years.
So my first question is why aren't doctors informing their patients that such conditions are treatable post birth?
I personally have an issue with abortion based solely on these conditions.
My next question is, what if a fetus was born with no brain? I have no problem whatsoever with aborting that fetus.
My next question is, who draws the line between a webbed hand and no brain?
My answer: the patients and their doctors. Not you, not Dobson or Falwell, and certainly not George W. Bush.
You really didn't address the question...
I'm asking YOU, when does the slope slip so far down we are killing babies with an extra finger???
When is it wrong, and your answer seems to be NEVER, because a woman can decide to kill a baby if she wants, right Jim?
Just stand up and say what your position actually is...why are liberals afraid to admit their true feelings???
Uh, game, I believe he is saying the decision isnt his to make, though he feels its ridiculous to abort a fetus for a condition treatable, post-partum. He is answering your question, just not exactly the way you want to lawyer him.
Thank you rhyno. Well said.
Game, there are a lot of things that I think are wrong, but they aren't illegal. I personally feel it is wrong to spank a child. I think it is cruel and humiliating and teaches a child that violence is a solution to a problem. You may disagree, and I respect that, so I would not make it illegal to spank a child.
As I said before, I think it is wrong to abort a fetus for the reasons given in the cited article. I do not think it is wrong to abort a fetus with catastrophic abnormalities. As you know, in most cases, those fetuses are aborted naturally. Sometimes they are not. I believe that decision is up to the parents and their doctor, not the government nor so-called religious leaders.
My position is that determination of what is a catastrophic abnormality is not a subject for governmental debate. It is a medical debate and it is a moral debate, and I mean moral debate among the doctor, the parents and their moral advisors (priest, pastor, rabbi, guru, imam or whatever).
It should NOT be a public nor legal debate in my opinion.
In mine either.
I make no bones about the fact that I am totally against abortion for any reason.
It's like the sign says, "if you can't feed 'em, don't breed 'em"
Take some responsibility, so that there are no loss of innocent lives.
Oh, wait.
Are we only talking about abortion here any more? lol.
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