Sunday, May 14, 2006

Just a thought....

Why haven't we had a draft yet?
Back in 2004 I kept hearing over and over from Dem's to crazy liberals to history teachers that if we re-elect Bush our kids will have to be in the draft...


The Game said...

so that was just a political scare tactic from liberals in 2004...
I actually think some of them were that stupid they believed the crap that was coming out of their mouths...

Too bad much of it was from school teachers to students

But make sure you continue to call Republicans corrupt but not teachers who said things like that or showed Michael Moore movies.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it was being told to people in the military BY the military. From there it was getting leaked to everywhere else. It wasnt being made up. I was dating a chick in the army during 2004, and her officers told the unit all the time that a draft was a very real possibility. Oh, and hers wasnt the only one.

BOO HOO, lets ban every Michael Moore movie ever made. Better yet, lets burn all copies of his movies and then Al Frankens books. Yeah, yeah and then we can throw people in jail for owning or showing any liberal media. Hell, lets just make it a crime to dissent from the gov't.

The Game said...

I hope you don't have any say in what happens in a classroom is irresponsible and wrong to show a michael moore movie without showing something that depicts the other side of the story...

without both sides, you don't have intellictual, educational debate, you have indoctrination

Dedanna said...

Hell, lets just make it a crime to dissent from the gov't.

Oh wait, we did.
H.R. 3162