Sunday, May 07, 2006


Nope, I didn't say it. Here's the call from a commenter at--yes, it's true--The Daily Kos:

Patrick Kennedy's in a lot of pain; I feel sympathy.

But if he can't remember even getting into his car, if he was in rehab over Christmas, if there's an allegation he'd been drinking before the accident -- well maybe he needs to resign.

Here's the problem folks: most Americans who aren't partisans truly believe the democrats and The Republicans are "all the same" and that the power-elite takes care of its own.

Democrats can talk about Abramoff and Cunningham and the Republicans' toothless ethics bill, but so long as the People see us as just the "other side of the coin", they have little reason to go to the polls to vote for Dems.

Now we've got Congressman William Jefferson who despite allegations of bribery won't resign, and Patrick Kennedy who announces he's "going to vote" and so dodges a Breathalyzer test, and now will go into rehab rather than resign.

This gives all the justification in the world to independents who will say that the Dems are "just as bad" and that "all of them are corrupt".

The Democratic Party needs to show it's different, that it's not a club of the elite taking care of the elite.

Much as I feel for Congressman Kennedy, it's time for him for his own good and for the good of the Party, to resign with dignity.


Dan Riehl shares a personal take.

All Things Conservative
gives advice on how both political parties should handle the Kennedy case.


Jim said...

Did you note that on This Week on ABC this morning crazy man Howard Dean said that Jefferson should resign if indicted?

There he goes, being outrageous again.

The Game said...

I did not see that, but if he did that was the right call

Anonymous said...

Dude, I forgot to tell you the SNL gag, last night.

Tina Fey leads into the story, and right after she mentions the drugs he was on, "and over the counter medications like Tylenol JD," They they flash up a pic of an aspirin bottle with Jack Daniels colors and 'JD' on the label.

The Game said...

I saw it, funny