Thursday, May 25, 2006

Q1 GDP growth fastest in 2-1/2 years

The economy is going great, yet consumer confidence and opinion is still low...
Have anything to do with the MSM, of course it does...


Jim said...

Maybe it's because people can see down the road and understand that our massive deficits and debt loom only a few years out.

Maybe they worry about their budgets since gas has doubled in cost from a year ago.

Maybe they feel that the "great economic news" doesn't affect them because they see their medical insurance skyrocketing, local taxes rising to make up for services the federal government no longer provides.

Maybe the MSM is reporting how well the economy is doing AND also that the middle class doesn't feel like they are prospering like the wealthiest Americans.

The Game said...

Some points valid...
but when the MSM reports over and over how great the economy sticks...

Ron said...

Game, they do report the numbers all the time. Jim got it. healthcare unaffordable, high gasprices that are nearing the minimum wage for a gallon, big debt, jobs going overseas, low priced workers imported, more massive debt.
All the things that are not to your liking are not the fault of your "MSM" or "Liberals"..face the facts bud.