As you think about voting this November, just read all the quotes I have been posting about what Dem's have been saying...the articles that blame America for what has happened in Iraq, blaming us instead of the terrorist...than I want you to print out this cartoon and look at it any time you forget why this is just as much a war against liberal thought as it is terrorism...we have two enemies, and both want to destroy this country as we know it. Here is your cartoon about what many say behind closed doors, and some in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Thursday, June 22, 2006
More liberal hate of America
Posted by
The Game
7:26 PM
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There you have it, the cartoon says it all. According to the liberals, the United States is no better than Al Qaeda. Can it be made more plain to see?
This is a red letter day for liberalism, it’s like coming out of the closet, so to speak. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for clarifying this for all to behold.
No matter how much cartoon boy warmed to this “idea,” even if it helped him to achieve an anti American erection, there are very few normal people that will consider this even remotely funny.
Unless they got there heads up the MoveOn’s a-ss like most of these pinkos do.
Pandering to the party lunatics at the expense of our security.
Bush's war in Iraq: No plan, no end, same slogan.
"both want to destroy this country as we know it"
Uhhh, this country, as we know it, sucks....
you are right rhyno, that is what MOST liberals think, they want us to go down...yes I know, you are not a liberal..but you play one on this blog often
Before you vote remember what the republicans have actually done. Lied us into a war where tens of thousand have died for weapons of minimal destruction. Play big and tough on the terror game while the terrorist roam the globe. Alienated the United States and caused much of the rest of the world to see us as a greater threat to the world than the terrorists. All this after we had universal support after 9/11. They can crow and strut and condem all they want but they know the truth as well as you and me.
Oh theres a lot more. Suffice to say "contractors" are getting rich and the price of gas has doubled.
The choice is simple: cut and run, or stay the course.
Those who say otherwise are doublethinkers. That democrats are embarrassed that they want to cut and run indicates the gross immorality, imprudence, and lack of honesty about what they propose.
clint has the time and energy to go through the stupid arguments, unlike myself..
clino, perfect job once again, nothing can be added to your post
I agree with Clint completely -- ron is indeed on crack.
I could belive you think I'm on crack. You guys live in a world of alternate reality. They were not able to cause Mass destruction. Only Conservatives can do that. They want our soliders to die. The troops won the war but that is not good enough for the wingnuts. NOOOOO They want them to continue in an occupation and for Americans to stay and pay.
Todays news
As the state of emergency was announced in the capital, a car bomb ripped through a market and nearby gas station in the increasingly volatile southern city of Basra Friday, killing at least five people and wounding 18, including two policemen, police said.
At least 19 other deaths were reported in Baghdad.
In other violence Friday, police said:
- Gunmen killed an engineer who worked at Baghdad airport in a drive-by-shooting in western Baghdad.
- Police discovered the bodies of four men who had been handcuffed and shot. The dead men, all between 30 and 25, were found in the north Baghdad district of Kazimiyah.
- A roadside bomb targeting a police patrol in the Dora region of southern Baghdad killed a police officer and wounded four others.
- Police found the body of a man who had been shot in the head and chest in central Baghdad just after dawn.
- The bodies of two women in their mid-20s who had been shot in the head were found in an eastern Baghdad drainage canal.
- Police found the bodies of four bullet-riddled and handcuffed men wearing civilian clothes in the northern Baghdad suburb of Kazimiyah. A roadside bomb also exploded in the predominantly Shiite area, sparking a fire in two discount clothing stores.
Of course this would all be horrible if we werent there. It would be because we "cut and run" all this is happening. But according to the right its ok if we ARE there. Just part of the war huh guys? Clint,Jason they raise the enlistment age to 42 the other day. Show how much you believe in this effort. Sign on the dotted line. They are apparently having trouble finding people to fight Cheneys war.
Sorry guys the GP aint that dumb. It won't work this time. We dont have to cut and run. All that terrible stuff happening anyway. We are just getting in the way. Why do you want to kill and maim our soliders? Cuz of your fu**ing ego?
We should be having alternative fuel by now. A national effort should have been made a long time ago. Maybe before Cheney but at least since 9/11, Its national security~! We are giving money to the jhaidists. Do you care. We cant drill enough oil to get us out of our mess. Forward thinking required here. I know that is hard for conservatives to do so I understand your love of drilling the earth and sapping every last drop of oil out of it.
Killing is so much more fun than spending the money on border security and port security and more investigators and special forces though. You guys are warmongers and wildly uninformed on what you are talking about. Turn off the freakin radio and get an independent thought.
things are hard...lets run away
I agree with you, and support John Kerry and John Murtha completely.
Kerry warns of 'cut and run' in Iraq
"WASHINGTON, Dec. 3 2003- In a major national security address Wednesday Democratic presidential contender John Kerry was sounding an alarm about premature U.S. withdrawal from Iraq. “I fear that in the run-up to the 2004 election the administration is considering what is tantamount to a cut-and-run strategy,” Kerry said in remarks prepared for delivery to the Council on Foreign Relations.
The Massachusetts senator accused Bush and his aides of a “sudden embrace of accelerated Iraqification and American troop withdrawal without adequate stability,” which he called “an invitation to failure.”
He contended that it would be “a disaster and a disgraceful betrayal of principle” to accelerate the transfer of authority to Iraqis so as to allow “a politically expedient withdrawal of American troops.”
I agree with Murtha too:
"A war initiated on faulty intelligence must not be followed by a premature withdrawal based on a political timetable. An untimely exit may rapidly devolve into a civil war, which would leave American foreign policy in disarray as countries question not only America's judgment but also its perseverance." -- 2004
You flipflop so much it isn't even funny. You lie! Democrats are full of horseshit! YEEAGH!
WAY TO GO JASON....omg did you get 'em
jason and two punch and count the liberals out
Much like the mafia boxers of the depression, the one-two punch of jason/clint only works in a fixed environment, like this blog.
Ron has made the most salient point on the whole thread. Everything you seem to be afraid of happening in Iraq if the US redeploys its forces is already happening.
Clint, did you ever think that some people are just tired of arguing the points as you frame them. Come to my blog and work from my frame for a while and see what it is like. Then maybe you will understand.
The Idea that all liberals are evil and are responsible for all the bad things in the world is totally childish and naive. I prefer to debate on an adult level. I have actually defended game on my blog on occasion and done my best to boot the ones that made no point and just whined about other people that contributed.
Reality isn't constituted by frames, bro. You guys think if you can frame socialism a different way, you can sell it.
Not going to happen, Demofascists. How do you like that frame? ;)
ron, there is NO debate on your blog...if there is anyone there, they just name call conservatives...and you know it
Reality isn't constituted by frames, bro.
Once again you prove you don't know what you are talking about. You guys frame your own reality on this blog every day. Go look at the polling report and see how many oppose many of your views. Who's reality is the real thing? You are a non thinker Jason.
ron, there is NO debate on your blog...hey just name call conservatives...and you know it
Pot kettle black Go back and look at your blog with that though in mind my "liberals responsible for all evil"friend.
we are making a case, just because you don't like it or refuse to read and accept fact after fact...the people on your blog don't even try to debate...that is a 100% fact...oh, and that all those cry baby bitches left
Here's the point. You debate from the starting point of cut and run, loose the war. I start from the point of illegal war, killing our troops, no military solution. Which would you rather start from.
I am not too thrilled with how many(not all) on my blog debate either. They are no better than you guys, which is quite an insult. I have chided them for it. Have you done the same here?
Go to Ron's site and counter his argument. Go there and debate, Game.
The reason you have more traffic is that your "fact after fact after fact" is so debatable and easily shown to be false. So we come here and show how ludicrous your charges are.
If you have something to say to refute or debate Ron, go and do it.
So we come here and show how ludicrous your charges are.
Which gives this blog the entertainment effect game wants. That's really what brings ppl here. Not that there's anything actually intelligent. Just that he's so easy to dispute.
Scorpion says---
Mo-ron,jumbled one,you have outdone yourselves during this more
than usual laughable "debate" and I
THANK YOU for your comedy relief.
The idea of intelligence never enters the picture when reading one
of dunce-dannas ramblings,comical,
though,easy to enjoy.
Guess the truth hurts you so much you feel you have to laugh.
Either that, or you're not intelligent to read and actually understand what someone else is saying.
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