Sunday, June 11, 2006

What is this diploma worth?

he problems in MPS reflect what's happening across the country. Especially in urban centers such as this one, the results of what we know as public high school education just aren't as good as anyone wants or expects. One result: The institutions themselves are reshaping - small schools are emerging, as are charter schools and voucher schools. Some big high schools are dying. Reforms of many kinds are being tried.

So far, the needle on accomplishment hasn't budged much.

Let's go, I want to hear why this is happening. Prediction:
liberals will say: society has failed them, they are poor.
conservatives: teachers are lazy and don't care...
you are both wrong


Anonymous said...

Or both are correct.

The Game said...

and Clint is right, and once again rhyno doesn't understand how things work...

Yes, these kids are born into poverty and that is not their is their parents fault...if you don't believe that, you are simply a liberal looking to make excuses for peoples failures...and as I have said many many times, you are enable poor people by making excuses for them...

However, when these kids don't come to school, do no homework, take no notes, and don't care about it is their fault.

at the end of the year I have the kids do a research project...when I taught it in Hawaii to poor Hawaiian kids, every single group turned in a report...I just did the exact same thing with high school kids, and 33% of the groups turned them in...

So, since both groups are poor, that is not an excuse...does that mean I became a worse teacher in the last 5 years...I say no...

so what is it?
plain and simple, the communities...obviously the Hawaiian kids came from better communities where they were taught a little better...and the kids I teach come from rotten, irresponsible, anti-anything productive communities...

Stop giving them a pass...

Anonymous said...

Oh, I always understand how things work. Thats why I keep my commentary to history lessons, and criticism of peoples poor use of language or argument. There isnt the room here for me to truly present that kind of opinion. Maybe when I am bored and sexually frustrated, I can create my own blog, too.

The Game said...

Well, then you should have a blog with 10 posts a day

The Game said...

damn clint, I like your style...

Dedanna said...

Books banned in the United States

Even they have stated that the U.S. government have banned books -- you going to dispute that?

It's been known for quite some time now.

More here. True, they do cite cases of books being banned by schools, et. al, but they also talk about censorship (i.e. banning) by the U.S. government.

And Jim, the U.S. government censors what you read every day in the news -- that is a form of banning, when they don't allow every bit of the stories we read out.

Anonymous said...

Clint, where did you get the idea I was even responding to you? Did you see your name anywhere in my reply?

Oh, and those 10 posts a day, game...

All about you baby!

The Game said...

what the hell are you even talking about???