Friday, July 14, 2006

Senate denies funds for new border fence

And politicians wonder why Americans think they are all slime-balls. What good do they actually do anymore. Every single word, every single vote is carefully placed with political aspirations in mind. They never seem to simply do the right thing anymore. It makes me sick.
Finally, I thought congress was going to do something right, even though some didn't like it. A well built fence would cut down illegal immigration significantly, PERIOD.
You build the fence, then you go after businesses who hire illegals...that would just about STOP illegal immigration. If that didn't completely stop it, you make sure you take away every single welfare program and benefit liberals keep trying to give them.
Can Congress ever get it right?


Anonymous said...

"Every single word, every single vote is carefully placed with political aspirations in mind."

Term limits for Congress would help.

The Game said...

you are right...not sure I want them to do that...but it is something to atleast think about..
but how many???
two or three...definately three for a limit.

Anonymous said...

No, I dont really want it to happen either. WI always has honest politicians, for the most part, in Congress. The real problem is places like the South and the Northeast.