Here are some quotes from the Sunday program "This Week"
Tell me what you think about this analysis:
“But it's, I think, a disaster for the Democratic Party, and it's going to be very interesting to see what happens as a result of it.”
Stephanopoulos looked stunned, and asked: “Disaster for the Democratic Party? Why?” Roberts elaborated:
Yes, I do because I think, first of all, that pushing the party to the left, which is what's likely to happen, is pushing the party to the position from which it traditionally loses, and…in presidential elections but also it will send a signal to everybody in the Senate, watch out, the only smart thing to do here is play to your base, and then what that means is that your legislation becomes a mess, which it already is but even more of a mess, and you get…So you get just a total chaos.
George Will also seemed a little surprised by Cokie’s statements, and had a telling smile on his face while he watched. When it was his turn, he concurred:
It will terrify Republicans for 2006 but 2008 I think Cokie may be right. Between 1968 and 1972 the Democratic Party went into stark, hard and nearly unanimous opposition to an unpopular war in Vietnam but they did so in a way that made them unpopular…in the process, so if the blogosphere and Moveon.Org dragged the party to the left it will be a disaster.
Cokie chimed back in:
Well, and it certainly – and Bill Clinton, it's also no accident that Bill Clinton is the only Democrat who has been elected president for two terms since Franklin Roosevelt, because he was a Democrat in the middle from the south with a very strong acquaintanceship with scripture. All of that and I think you start, you know, talking about the liberal blogs and all that taking over the party and it will be a disaster.
Me thinks the Snuffle-ufagus should be the one called Cokie, 'cause after his surprise at her remarks he must be doing some kind of Drug Spiked Dem Kool-Aid.
This leftward lurch forced by the Kos Kid's Netroots movement to me spells the end of any chances they may have had to run the show.
At least let's all hope and pray that's the case.(PS..plz disregard email, forgot the homepage link on the comments..doh)
The Democrats may be moving Left, but fortunately, the country as a whole is not.
Wow! Cokie is a goddess! Everybody I know listens to her EVERY THIRD SUNDAY when she appears on This Week. Seen her anyplace else?
Her opinion is as good as gold! From her lips to the entire electorate!
The internet could also be known as the GRASSROOTS! By the way I rarely..and I mean rarely read kos. I much prefer Glenn Greenwalds unclaimed territory or Digbys Hullaballo.
By the way talk radio and fox news has pushed the republican party far-far to the right.
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