Jimmy Carter (the guy who couldn't free Iranian hostages and who helped create what we have in Iran, and in my opinion the poster child for liberalism) starts off his interview blaming Israel for the entire conflict, saying that they are the ones who have thousands of prisoners, so they should not get so mad when people try and retaliate.
Then he makes some other great comments:
When I became president we had had four terrible wars between the Arabs and Israelis (behind us). And I under great difficulty, particularly because Menachim Begin was elected, decided to try negotiation and it worked and we have a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt for 27 years that has never been violated.
Israel WON those wars, and Egypt didn't want Israel to take away any more of their land, THAT is why there is peace between the two, it has NOTHING to do with Jiimmy Carter. See, this shows how liberals have no idea when it comes to human nature. Peace comes after victory.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Jimmy Carter is a boob
Posted by
The Game
2:39 PM
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I am not sure he goes that far...there are MANY others that I would agree with you on...
Boodge, that comment is why many people consider you and your ilk fringe radicals and nowhere near the mainstream or common sense.
Former USSR dissident Natan Sharansky, in his book The Case for Democracy, mentions an event where he met Jimmy Carter after the Soviet Union fell.
"I explained why Israel must link its concessions in the future to the development of democracy among its neighbors. Carter replied: "You know, you are right, but don't try to be too rational about these things. The moment you see people suffering, you should feel solidarity with them and try to help them without thinking too much about the reasons.""
That quote right there says a LOT about Jimmy Carter and the socialism that tries to pass itself off as liberalism today. I advocate that people should start thinking about the reasons, things like Muslim Brotherhood's connections with Nazi Germany, why the Hezb'Allah uses the Hitler salute and so forth, but it is difficult to get the message about Islamofascism out. Bush is good at cowboy taunting, but he sucks at situating America in its historical context, something a leader today needs to be able to do.
Perhaps someone like Giuliani will be up to the task.
OMG, jason...you and game both are watching WAY too much FAUX News(The Sppiiiiiiin starts here). What part of any of his comment mentions socialism(or describes it)? When did this whole Islam/Fascism connection come on OReilly that you guys picked it up? NAZI's and Muslims? Maybe...if those Muslims were trying to break free of colonial rule by one of the Allied powers. Hezbullah using the "Hitler salute"? WHAT? Armies were using an extended arm salute long before Nazis took over Germany, and will continue to do so for a long time without any connection to the Nazis! Its almost like clockwork the way you two work off each other. First it hits whatever news hell you guys frequent, then one of you guys starts rolling with it on here, and then the other starts with it shortly thereafter. Just because you keep saying it doesnt make it true. I realize being a moderate gives me no friends here, but you gotta stay on fact. I am a grad student IN HISTORY. No buck can pass through here(including mine) without me catching it. At least opinions cant be disproven.
Carter said: The moment you see people suffering, you should feel solidarity with them and try to help them without thinking too much about the reasons.""
Jason said: That quote right there says a LOT about Jimmy Carter and the socialism that tries to pass itself off as liberalism today.
Dude get a clue!!!! Jimmy Carter was well known as a very spiritual man.
Mt. 25:31-46. "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. And all the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on His left.
Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.'
Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You drink? And when did we see You a stranger, and invite you in, or naked, and clothe You? And when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?'
And the King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'
Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.'
Then they themselves will also answer, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not take care of You?'
Then He will answer them, saying, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.' And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."
Maybe THIS is what he was refering to? Geez, you just try to twist everything don't you?!
Rhyno, I'm happy to be friends with everybody if they so desire. I am despondent sometimes that young people who have grown up for the last 25 years of basically Republican rule and talking points know no other way.You give me hope I may be wrong.
There *is* a fascist movement in the Middle East that is directly influenced by National Socialism. This is a matter of historical FACT.
LGF has a short video about the connections-- you can see the video of your own eyes of the Grand Mufti meeting with Hitler, training SS troops in Bosnia and so forth. It isn't an accident that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and other Nazi literature can be widely found on the streets of Cairo.
I'm not a spiritual man. I'm a thinking man. And Carter's actions clearly explain why he sides with fascist organizations like the Hezb'Allah-- he's all compassion and no brain.
Turning the other cheek will get you thrown in a gas chamber.
Suit yourself Jason but it looks like we will forever be at odds because we think about life and the world and our purpose on the planet in completely different terms. And I am not changing my basic morals and values at this point in my life. They are well researched and established with real life experience.
Scorpion says---
Jimmy Carter- there,I've listed all
the things he accomplished to help me have a better life during his time in office,short list,isn't it?
carter...the worst president in modern history period...
Game, when it comes to worst president our current one has lapped the field. I have lived through presidents since Eisenhower and remember them since kennedy. Never have I felt so uncomfortable with America and its situation NEVER. His strong negitive ratings match no other president.I know you are from the right and are a partisan but Jimmy Carter started the campaign for human rights, used it a matter of policy in deciding who got aid. He started that. No he was not a great president but at least he did a few good thing Bushco is just a destructive force making things worse for the entire world, not just america. That is the exact opposite of Carter. Yes I know you will not agree and Jason will have his armegeddon like educated idiot rant but you guys are showing your naivety with this stuff.
Lapped the field TWICE, Ron!
Jason, did you know there were contingent of people in this country that though Hitler should win too? Charles Lindberg was one. Prescott Bush(granddaddy) actually supplied arms to the Nazis. There are a number of other notables but no matter how many I list it will make no difference to you so I will stop there.
Remind me again please, what did anybody win then, and what are we trying to win now?
& who thinks who should win what?
If you are asking what was won in WWII, then you are a buffoon. If you meant something else, please specify.
Nice piece of Scripture. It does not apply to the Carter quote. He's a world leader (not now anymore thankfully) and should have the intelligence and sense of logic to understand that Sharansky was suggesting something that would end the suffering more completely than sending a band-aid and appearing to care. We are a generous and compassionate nation and aid is rarely a question. But if the suffering continues as a result of the same despot in power, the aid has accomplished nothing for hungry, thirsty, naked, sick and imprisoned in those countries. Secondly, such teachings from Christ are meant for individuals and how they relate to each other, not foreign policy of governments. Thus, the all too common strategy of throwing Scripture in someone's face is ill-advised. I, too, base my life on Christian teaching, but turn the other cheek doesn't mean allowing terrorist scumbags to continue murdering innocent people. Carter is supposedly well schooled, but he's not much in the commno sense department.
As to Carter's compassion compared to Bush, George has OK'd the use of more federal funds to fight AIDs and the care of it's victims than anyone before him or any other nation. And quite frankly, I would consider the expenditures for the war effort to be a sign of his compassion for human rights and easing the suffering of other nations.
I'm no grad student in history, but as I understand it, it was Anwar Sadat who initiated peace talks between his country and Israel. He made the first move going to speak to the Knesset. Jimma takes credit for bringing peace in that conflict when as Dennis Prager said, all he did was provide the hotel room for Sadat and Begin. Does your history book say something different?
Marshall, I agree that religion and politics should not mix. However spiritual principals may have been exactly what he was thinking about. I have no idea how you got into his mind to know this was not the case. I also have seen Bush use God as his reason for doing things so you should be opposed to him doing it too.
If you think his war expenditures are compassionate and eased any suffering...well we adamantly disagree. Not that it isnt possible or even theoretically his intent, but in his circumstances he is a failure if this was his intent.
It's only a failure if we quit. It's insane to expect that this war, or any other, should follow some explicit pattern, and if it doesn't, that means failure. No. Running away is failure. Now, we can debate whether what's been done is the best way, but that would be hypothetical at best since you can't go back and re-do it. But there's no winning if we never stick around and see it through, and there's no debating that. I will say that where there has been failure is how Bush and Co doesn't spend enough time highlighting the successes of the war, of which there are plenty.
Carter indeed may have had spiritual principles in mind, but that doesn't mean HIS application is correct or appropriate to the situation, and I'd say it wasn't. Everything I've heard and read about his Der Spiegel interview brings me great joy at the knowledge that this learned man lacking in logic and common sense won't be president any time soon.
I would add that I am not a separation proponent in any way resembling ACLU/Newdow/most liberals definition. The percentage of Christians backing a theocracy is infinitesimal, but the hope that all of our elected officials are truly influenced by and adhere to Judeo-Christian principals, or some reasonable facsimile, would be of great benefit to our society.
As to Bush's war expenditures and their effects, I submit that there are fewer people raped and tortured and murdered by the Hussein boys, and that's for sure.
Marshall, nobody is talking about quitting. That would be impossible. It is about doing things in a different way and letting the Iraqi people have what the Iraqi people will fight for. Otherwise we will be fighting and dying for them forever. They need to pull their bootstraps and take some personal responsibility.
I would agree that general judeo-christian principals are a good thing for this country. As long as we don't force specifics on them because even among above noted group their are wide differences. This is why the word "general" is important to the point.
Fewer people are raped and tortured by the Hussien boys but 100 a day are dying. They have less dependable infrastructure. Less of an economy, fewer jobs,far more kidnappings,citizen against citizen and while they use to know the day they would die now it is a guess.
Yes, I know what I just said is politically incorrect and I most certainly will be called an America hater for saying it. I was never impressed by politically correct speech by either side. Sorry, It's just the way I am.
I'm for reality. And reality says that I'm still human just like you, and that fact, since the U.S. is still a supposedly free country, states that I do not have to be Judeo-Christian. I can be any religion I feel is closest to me.
So, I do not feel that our leaders have to be, necessarily of Judeo-Christian principles, either. I do feel, however, that they should be spiritually sound, within whatever religion they do adhere to.
There's a big difference between Christianity and spirituality, and I'll take spirituality in general of the two, any day of the week --
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