Thursday, August 24, 2006

Makes you think


jhbowden said...

Nice collection of Democrat heros. Fidel was forgotten-- like Kim Jong Il, he gives the workers free health care and education!

The Game said...

a liberal dream state!!!

Mike said...

The funny thing is, we can debate who's "tougher" on terrorism all day long; we can debate who's plan is better, who's plan the media portray and/or ignores; we can debate all day long and everyone can spin their little hearts out... At the end of it all, all you have to do is look at Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong-Il, Chavez, Fidel, Assad, and any other host of dirtbags, and ask yourself the very question you posed. Each one of these scrotums would've pulled the trigger for Kerry in '04. And that speaks volumes. I'm going to post that pic and link back here, if that's ok.

The Game said...

go ahead man

Jim said...

You guys are amazing. You claim that these guys would have voted for Kerry when each and every one of them has made huge gains in power and influence throughout their respective regions during Bush's administration and largely because of Bush's disasterous foreign "policy" (ideology).

These guys LOVE Bush. They probably cry at night knowing that he can't be president after January 20th, 2009.

You folks are delirious! This is really funny.

Anonymous said...

Considering Queen Bush hasnt done a single thing to hamper any of them, I bet they are hoping he runs again, somehow. Clint steps in, on cue, with a patented Con 'no reasoning' knee jerk comment without thought.

The Game said...

Jim and rhyno show again they don't understand human nature, or really anything.
When a bad person feels threatened, they act agressive to try and bully or scare the person THEY are scared of...when Clinton or any other Dem is in office, they guys just quietly go ahead with their evil OBL planning 9-11 or North Korea developing nuclear weapons...

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget who provided North Korea with nuclear materials in the first place....

Jay Bullock said...

Well, I wouldn't be surprised if Ahmadinejad, for example, isn't eternally grateful to Bush for eliminating two of his arch-rivals in the region (Saddam and the Taliban, neither of whom got along with Iran's regime which, when you think about it, is how Saddam got the WMD in the first place) and leaving a great big power vacuum instead. Makes him the big man on the block now, and I'm sure he'd thank Bush for it if given the opportunity.

The Game said...

I agree that right now Iran looks like the big boy on the block...and maybe Bush helped him...but if he had to vote in 2008, I am positive he would want a Dem in office so he could trick them at their own little liberal, PC, "lets talk" game

Jim said...

Delerious, Game. Why do you think OLB released his tape 5 days before the 2004 election? To help Bush win, of course!

This is a no brainer. Each and every one of these leaders has SIGNIFICANTLY improved their position and power during the past five and a half years. Everything Bush does plays into their hands. The Shiia crescent is much stronger without Saddam. What a disasterous mistake that was!

Human nature? Huh? How about facts? You need to face it. There is no way a high school class, let alone the Democrats, could do any worse than this administration has.

Jim said...

Your point being....?

Jay Bullock said...

Jason, Anzar lost the election because the voters believed the goverment deliberately lied by blaming ETA after the Madrid bombing, not becuase they were pissing themselves in fear. The Dark Stain of Valor is a conservative honor only.

jhbowden said...


Comrade Zapatero was elected because the voters thought the war in Iraq was the cause of terrorism in Spain, and Zapatero, like Comrade Kerry, promised to pull the troops out. Anzar's government first explored an ETA connection, because if was true that al Queda did that, Anzar was toast. One thing I like about the Europeans is that their socialists are honest and identify themselves as such.

Interestingly, as Ayman al-Zawahiri mentioned in a video a few weeks ago, Spain, ahem, Al-Andulus, is still on the Islamist menu, since Muslims lived there before the Reconquista. Whenever I think our moonbats are nuts, I gain some solace looking at the mass delusion and wishful thinking in Europe. It could be a lot worse here.

Now, what a sick sight your link is. You guys think we're fighting a Christian war to subjugate brown people? Where is this mature and robust understanding of world affairs you guys speak of?

jhbowden said...


Osama bin Laden produced the video to scare America into voting for the socialist candidate, Monsieur Kerry, for the same reasons they blew up trains in Spain. It had the opposite effect.

So they still got what you think they really wanted-- four more years of whupass -- instead of talk, diplomacy, and negotiation. This is insane, but ron and the rest of you think violence just makes more violence and turning the other cheek is the way to go. I'm not a Christian; it is you guys that often seem like fundamentalists.

Alas, al-Queda is still counting on the hordes of 5th columnist hippies in this country to help them advance their dream of a global Caliphate, but not if I and others can help it.

Jim said...

These four guys have been getting a lot of "Whup-ass"?

From whom?

And what in the world makes you think THEY think a terrorist scare would make Americans vote for Kerry? That goes exactly opposite of everything you've ever said about Kerry and the Democrats.

I say again, if Kerry and the Dems are so week on terror as you claim, why would a terrorist scare make Americans vote for them?

Marshal Art said...

He answered you, and quite well I might add. Kerry would pull out. If enough people are convinced that pulling out of Iraq would lessen terrorist attacks, they might be stupid enough to vote for a wussbag like Kerry. Jason never said it would be rational, only possible. We'd like to think that Americans aren't that goofy, but Kerry got a lot of votes, so there ya go.

Jim said...

Marshall you either dance around the point or you honestly believe that 48% of the country merits your deep contempt.

Marshal Art said...

"Contempt", Jim? No. Contempt is something that the left has for coservatives. "Pity" is what we I feel for those who voted for Kerry. Don't forget. We're talking about the arrogant, self-promoting, lying, talk-a-lot-say-nothing, "I have a plan" but not tell anyone what it is, John Kerry. How can one feel contempt for people so deluded as to think HE'S the better choice, even if all the Bush bashing were true? As to "dancing" around the point, I didn't, since you raised the point about why a terrorist scare would result in more votes for Kerry. Is that the point to which you are referring?

Jim said...

We are not talking about Spain. We are talking about Americans and a terror attack.

You claim that there is NO DOUBT that Democrats are wusses on terrorism. Anybody with any sense can see that. That's what you say. It's obvious. It's clear. Period. End of discussion.

So if Americans perceive a threat of terrorism, why would they vote for a Democrat? It goes against everything you are espousing. Democrats weak on terror, terror threat received, vote for Democrat.


Makes no sense, but that's what you are saying. You are saying that OBL would deliver a terror threat to America 5 days before the election in order to try to scare Americans into voting for Democrats who are inherently weak on terror.

You argument lacks any logic. (And is as DUMB as usual.)

Marshal Art said...

Let's try it this way.

Conservs know Dems are weak on terror. One typical idea is to pull out from Iraq since, as libs like to say, our presence has increased the numbers of terrorists. The libs see our presence there as cause for further attacks. Thus, they will vote for the party who they believe is going to do something (pull out of Iraq) that will keep the terrorists from being mad at us. Now since it helps to be as specific as possibe in a medium like a blog, know that we don't think ALL Americans would vote that way. Could there be a chance that ENOUGH would vote that way? Of course. Anything is possible. However, I'd like to think that ENOUGH Americans have a better grasp of the situation than to think in such a way. THAT is my true feelings about my fellow Americans. And I also maintain the attitude that though some of my fellow Americans might have shit for brains, they're still MY fellow Americans and only WE get to hassle them, not Islamofascist assholes. Get it? And THEY, BTW, would be the ones most hoping for enough Americans to fall for scare tactics to vote for the wuss party. Whether any would or not is beside the point.