Just wanted to make sure everyone knew how Russ Feingold voted this week:
Drill for oil in the gulf...225 miles away from land...Russ....NO. Okay Russ, don't use high gas prices as a campaign slogan if you are not going to do anything to change them NOW. Voting for this is the only way to change them NOW. I know, liberals are going to fix things with their plan of using hybrids....things will be in order in about 45 years under the Russ plan of voting NO...
Vote to fund the fence on the border. Russ was one of only three Sen. that voted NO. He is drifting farther and farther to the Left, make sure you wave as he flies by you.
Regulate the countries failing pension systems...Russ...NOPE. Not sure what is problem was on this one, maybe one of you liberals can copy and paste something from DailyKos.
There you go, someone a crazy moonbat with tin foil on their head can be proud of...
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Update on your buddy Russ
Posted by
The Game
1:12 AM
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Scorpion says---
Rummy Russ is at it again.What an
embarrassment to Wisconsin.
It only looks way to the left because you guys are so far to the right with only one answer to every problem..too much narrow thinking. I will trade you guys Feingold for Domenici any day you want..hell I'd even throw in Bingaman.
Dump Hillary like Liebercon! Support Comrade Feingold in 2008!
Maybe Feingold (not my guy, BTW) voted against it because:
"On top of those changes, companies also persuaded lawmakers to add dozens of specific measures, including a multibillion-dollar escape clause for the nation's airlines and a special exemption for the makers of Smithfield Farms hams.
"As a result, the bill now being completed in a House-Senate conference committee, rather than strengthening the pension system, would actually weaken it, according to a little-noticed analysis by the government's pension agency. The agency's report projects that the House and Senate bills would lower corporate contributions to the already underfinanced pension system by $140 billion to $160 billion in the next three years."
Wow, that commie pinko Feingold!
okay, Jim went and defended ONE vote, the one that I understood the least by far...
So what about the others guys?
Ron did't defend anything, cause he can't.
Russ will bitch about gas prices, but will do NOTHING about it but wish it will go away...or hope it stays so he can blame GWB when he should blame himself
There is a lot that can be done besides drill for more oil. Still burns fossil fuels. As long as we keep looking for and finding new sources of fossil fuels we remain addicted to oil.
Brazil is no longer addicted to oil. If hybrid cars are supported and promoted by US government rules, if CAFE standards were aggressive, we could reduce our dependence on oil instead of continuing to feed our addiction.
California has had 75,000 applications for hybrid car stickers for HOV lanes. And that doesn't include me because I don't use HOV lanes.
If the auto companies continue to offer more and more hybrids, people will buy them. My gas mileage is 50% higher. I just talked to a bus fleet manager who is replacing his entire fleet with hybrids which get 33% higher mileage.
Can you imagine what our oil needs would be if we could reduce transportaion usage of oil by 1/4 to 1/3. And it could be done in 10 years instead of 40.
I can defend plenty and have defended logically much of this stuff before. The drilling thing time and time again. What is the use if you guys are going to continue to follow the wingnuts and reduce life to one option with the rest almost treasonous. It's radical wacky talk that most of the country has moved past and I think it is a shame that there are people out there that are indoctrinating our new generation(you and jason et al) with this drivel that you readily by into.
Ron is babbling again...if that is the kind of stuff you said on your radio show I think that gives us some hints as to why it no longer exists.
Jim, hybrids are fine...but we are in a supply/demand crisis. YOu only want to work on the demand part, which you cant since china and third world countries are the ones spiking up demand. Russ doesn't want to deal with supply now, not with oil or any alternative methods.
How are logic and truth "babbling"?
Typical right-wingnuttia response game, to something you can't defend or are too blind to see.
Do you have any clue how much you're showing you don't understand and don't know on this blog, just by pulling the Repug tactic of pretending not to see something, so you don't answer it directly?
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