Monday, September 11, 2006

Where were you when the world stopped turning?

Where were you when 9-11 happened?
I was living in Hawaii. My brother called at about 4 in the morning. I was sleeping but I heard a message about planes hitting buildings.
I got up, turned on the TV, and about 4 minutes later the second tower was hit.
I sat there for well over 3 hours and watched.
Life went on in Hawaii.
We had a service that day at my school, people gave money and donated blood....
The world changed that day....forever...
Hopefully we can make sure that day was not the first day of the end of the world.


Marshal Art said...

I don't want to reminisce on that day. Other than P2911, I've avoided all retrospectives on radio and TV. I don't need a reminder. I remember all too well the events of that day and who is responsible. I think about it a lot as it is.

Anonymous said...

Driving my g/f out to Carroll, and then to a job interview.

Ron said...

Marshall, It may be the only time it happens but minus the p2911 we agree completely.

Anonymous said...

Scorpion says---
I think of this daily.The stories
being told today rekindles the overwhelming sadness of the people
so tragically affected.Nothing else
really can be said.

Dedanna said...

Why let it show that it affects us at all? The assholes have won if we do that.

Life goes on. Let it.

Dedanna said...

BTW, fyi:

The very thing I've been trying to tell everyone...

jhbowden said...

I was living in my parents' basement at the time, getting ready to leave for *work* at a gas station.

There was a big run on gas that day too; everyone and their brother thought there would be a gas shortage and simply panicked.

"Why let it show that it affects us at all?"

Because it does. 911 is like a mosquito bite compared to what's in the pipeline. But taking threats seriously is "giving into fear" in the twisted Democrat universe.

Anonymous said...

Heh, I guess I could be guilty of that jason. I went out around 11pm to the 24 hour station up the road. The line was out onto the street. I waited abut 10 minutes before saying "fuck it" and went home.

Dedanna said...

"Because it does" is not a good enough reason. "Because it does" is the exact reason we shouldn't display like wounded souls that we are. "Because it does" is the reason we should be giving the poor families some private time out of it all. "Because it does" is just the exact reason we keep our mouths shut & let the piss ants wonder what we're going to do next to them.

I remember in former wars if anyone, including the press, let out any details at all of anything, they were in serious trouble & got the country into serious trouble, because it played right into the enemy's hands.

Why should we change that now? We have such loud, noisy mouths now, that one can hear us all the way to the moon & back. The world is full of such noise over all this.

What about peace, quiet, & silence for once? Deadly silence.

Ron said...

Taking threats seriously and giving in to fear are 2 different things but I guess cowards wouldn't know the difference. I have hope for Game and Marshall. Jason, you are a lost cause.

Dedanna said...

You have hope for Game? Hell, he's the one spreading let's see... some what, 5-6 (8???) threads (and I'm sure there will be more to come) on this subject alone???

God help us all, seeing nothing but 9/11 "let's be scared & kill terrorists" shit on this blog for the next month... thread after thread. I expect it to fill the entire front page within the next day. It will never shut up.

Yep. Hopeless. Marshall may have hope. At least he doesn't have a brain the size of a piss-ant, and at least things don't go way over his head like the rest. He's more of an upper-scale intellectually stimulated debater.

Marshal Art said...


Your check is in the mail.

In Jason's defense, I'm not so sure he means it the way you think. The act DOES affect us. How can it not? It was a mere statement of fact as far as I could tell. If he were to have elaborated a bit more, your take might have been borne out. But standing alone, one need only look at heightened airport security to see that it HAS affected us. The country can't just pretend it didn't happen and it would be impossible to not have some visible manifestation. Like the airport security, there are some things that we must "let show". Other things not so much, such as vigilance, both individual and community. I think the assholes will have won if we do nothing and doing something, anything shows that it did affect us.

Dedanna said...

Yes, take the precautions we need to (airport security, et. al -- the tough side of the U.S.), but let's do the waa-waa in private, shall we? We need to show toughness to the enemies, not vulnerabilities. Besides, it gets real old in public after a while.

To be honest, anyone who has nothing but waa-waa is a wuzz, and needs to shut up --

Marshal Art said...


Oh. I think I get where you're coming from here. I down with it.

Dedanna said...

You were about to waa-waa, weren't you.

Dedanna said...

Finally, a voice of reason & rationality: The surest defense against terrorism is to refuse to be terrorized.

And I refuse to be.

Dedanna said...

Ok, I'll finally bite on the original subject here:

I was at home, sleeping. Got up, turned on the boob tube to catch my soap opera.

Saw what had happened, and immediately turned the tube off. Tried later in the day again, and turned it off again.

I didn't turn it on again for another week, because I knew they wouldn't shut up about it for at least that long.