Sunday, September 10, 2006

Which is the bigger problem?

One topic gets national attention every day, one nobody wants to talk about.
Both are big problems, and neither have answers.
So, which is the bigger problem:
1. Illegal immigration
2. The complete social and moral breakdown of our inner cities.

I'll wait to see what you say...


Marshal Art said...

Interesting question. You could pose it with two completely different issues. But as you used these two, I'd have to say the second one, but I believe it doesn't just affect the inner cities, but permeates our culture as a whole. That's what makes it so damaging. The immigration problem holds it's importance in the fact that it also is a security issue and how terrorists might gain covert entry. This makes it a more immediate problem, with the other issue being more long term.

The Game said...

interesting Marshall....
remember that anything you say bad about the inner city will be labled racist by liberals

Marshal Art said...

Let 'em label. The important thing is the negative impact that the social and moral breakdown of our country has had and will continue to have. It's such a subtle thing, particularly for those who's upbringing wasn't steeped in a traditional value system, that many don't realize they are a part of it and/or enablers of it. That's my take, anyhow.

jhbowden said...

Social and moral breakdown definitely.

When people respect the our institutions, our traditions, our laws, and when the virtues of frugality, moderation, temperance, industry, resolution, order and so forth are venerated, America becomes that much more desirable, and it becomes easier to break in newcomers.

But when people are taught feminazi crap that being a single mom with a bunch of kids is okay, when they're taught the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence is a sham by wackademics, when the leftwing media tells everyone how America is a place where no one but the rich improve their lot in life-- pretty soon one can't not only assimilate immigrants, illegal or legal, but we won't be even to assimilate our own people.

And why should we, if America is so bad?

At best, moral breakdown gets us paralysis and apathy. At worst, it rots us from within until we are attacked and destroyed by our enemies, as what usually happens to civilizations in history. For 10,000 years peace and prosperity have been the exceptions, not the rule, and one has to do the "w" word -- work -- if one wants to retain them.

The Game said...

well said jason...good take on it

Anonymous said...

Illegal immigration - Always had it. Still havent found an acceptable solution other than mine.

Social and moral breakdown of the inner city - Its threatening to catch up to that of the suburbs. Lets remember that there is more underage sex, more drug use and more juvenile crime in the 'Burbs than the inner city. Yes, I can produce stats.

Dedanna said...

Why would one not have to do with the other? Why do you think we have the social breakdown in our culture anyway, and the problems we have in our schools? We have influx of illegals -->more crime-->lifestyle thereof-->culture affected. Tell me how one wouldn't have anything to do with the other.

Ron said...

2 and it is not just the inner cities.
We quite likely differ on the causes.

Marshal Art said...

What's your solution, Rhyno? I'm too lazy to rummage through the archives.


I don't think the two are of the same coin. Illegals may add to the cultural problems, as well as be affected by the problems that already exist. Yet, they are problems that exist autonomously from each other in the sense that w/o illegals, we're still dealing with moral decline and w/o the decline, the illegals keep coming.

Dedanna said...

From someone who has lived almost a half century now, and literally watched the decline of this (and other) cultures, I never saw a decline of any extreme measure until the illegals started getting out of hand.

Now, since they started flooding in taking over this country, we have political correctness to the cost of literally billions of dollars in crime every day, gang-banging rap-thugging music blasting out of cars, trucks, homes, and everywhere else to our children, and we see diapers & other filthy trash all over even the nicest of neighborhoods, the standards for work, products in the stores, etc. way far down, and life's just SO great. NOT.

You can't tell me it's not due to the influx of illegals. Before the illegal situation got really bad, things were on much higher standards in general.

Now there are no standards. For anything.

Dedanna said...


Dedanna said...

Y'know, we missed the real problem(s) here:

1) Tin-foiled hats

2) Dick-suckers

3) Sheeple

There's more that I'm sure I'm missing here...