Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Harley union rejects concession package

Once again, unions cost jobs...so you can blame Bush all you want for manufacturing jobs leaving the US...or the North for that matter...but the main reason American businesses are losing to foreign companies is our unions....period


Anonymous said...

Dude, the plant isnt going overseas. The union refused to renegotiate their current contract to accomadate the new plant. On one hand, you would say they should so more jobs can open up. Their jobs arent in jeapardy, so why would they. Its standard human behavior. On the other hand, why is Harley opening up a new plant when they arent financially stable enough to do so without trying to skimp on wages.

PCD said...

What the Unions don't realize is that Harley can move to a non-union workforce, and may not be in the US. The dumb Democrats can't see beyond force and union thuggery.

The Democrats are looking for a direct pipeline to company's money. Perfect example is here in Dububue. The SEIU is a union at a local hospital. They represent about 1/3rd of the nurses, but demand to bargain for all, and have stuck the hospital to force all nurses to pay union dues, to deduct those union dues from their paychecks, and to make forced donations to the Democrat party. Yes, all the local Democrats from state senators, House Democrat leader, to Congressional candidates, to Gov. Vilsack have come here to try to bully the hospital to cave in. The Democrats are going so far as to demand that their elected officials get seats on the hospital's governing board. How big of pipeline do you think there'd be from the hospital's coffers to the Democrat party? Just look at what the Democrats did with the Gloria Wise Boys & Girls Club in NYC. They sucked out over $800,000 to themselves and (Sc)Air America and the club had to close. This is what is going to happen if the union goons and the Democrats have their way with this local hospital, and you can kiss Harley good bye in Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

I knew they were going to vote this way.

But, I have to admit, i don't blame them.

It's an awful lot to ask people to take wage cuts so that someone else can get a job.

I wouldn't do it. And I despise unions.

The Game said...

no one that had a job was going to take a pay cut, it was new workers...I agree if I was in the union I would not like it...but look what has happened again..
because of unions, jobs so somewhere else and companies can not grow and create more jobs

PCD said...

That is Unions for you. They'd rather close down the company than see it prosper and continue.

During a sever recession in the scrap metals market, Doug Glant and his father ran a company in the Northwest. He tells how the local union was run by an ex-NFL player who said we'll strike for a raise and lose half of our union jobs, but you, the Glants, will be the ones who will look bad, not the union. The Glants went to the workers and cut a deal. The union was decertified and no one lost their job.

jhbowden said...

What sucks the most about unions is how they steal money from people to support socialist political causes. That's not an accident; socialism is the reason for being for unions. Over 40% of union members in America are not Democrats, and that will include myself once I start teaching in Fall '07.

Anonymous said...

Those jobs are gone forever and the rest will follow. Harley's obligations are to their shareholders (who are the owners). Besides, the wage "cuts" only affected new hires.

In 20 years, Harley will be an assembly plant (at best) at wages around $12.00-$15.00 at today's prices.

Anonymous said...

pcd - ignorant

Once again, people open their yaps without knowing whats going on. You can re-read(or in pcd's case, read for the first time) my initial post to find out the story. We know they wont do this, but....

PCD said...

rhyno, keep banging your head against the brick wall. Maybe some non-socialist idea will enter through the cracks in your cranium.