I flat out love this article...
algore, make sure you read it
Since I have a great deal of education regarding statistics and data, I am smart enough to know that when political hacks and junk scientist predict the future of our climate based on a very small data sample, the results are far from accurate.
For a time, the earth does seem to be getting warmer...
As one area gets warmer, one gets colder
one gets wetter, one gets drier...
So, people who do not run and hide at the thought of global "insert newest liberal craze" sit back, relax, and laugh at the tin foil hats.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Remember Global Cooling?
Posted by
The Game
1:42 PM
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What chaps my hide about all this Global Warming nonsense is that not only do they use flawed computer models that the left takes as Gospel, the Left refused to acknowledge the natural cycles of the orbit of the Earth and cycles of Sunspot activity.
It is all Chicken Little screaming the sky is falling to keep money flowing into research grants and environmental wacko group coffers.
And the thing is, even if c02 emissions were causing global warming, we're still left with an economic problem we can't obviate.
Watermelons who are green on the outside and red on the inside will do industrialized societies damage greater than global warming ever will-- the 20th century from Hitler to Saddam Hussein is a testament to the horrors of socialism.
Moreover, there are still people starving in the developing world, and retarding their progress will have a sharp human cost.
In contrast, if environmental advocates be the change they want to see and stop driving SUVs and living in houses with the 3-car garage, we'll see a sharp change in the marketplace. They even had a great opportunity to advance their positions with the recent spike in gas prices, but wasted their capital with hateful Bush bashing conspiracies for the prices being too high. (Taxes on fuel to reduce CO2 emissions is supposed to be part of the global warming solution.) That leads me to believe environmentalism as it exists today is more of an anti-capitalist anti-Western crusade than a serious concern for taking care of the world we live in.
Jason, you should probably learn the difference between socialism and fascism since you throw the terms around so much.
I love this article, too! It's very informative. Again, thanks for sharing.
Do you ever actually read these things? Because this article is not at all what you present it to be. Here is a good quote from it:
"The point to remember, says Connolley, is that predictions of global cooling never approached the kind of widespread scientific consensus that supports the greenhouse effect today. And for good reason: the tools scientists have at their disposal now—vastly more data, incomparably faster computers and infinitely more sophisticated mathematical models—render any forecasts from 1975 as inoperative as the predictions being made around the same time about the inevitable triumph of communism."
Contrary to what Chomsky and others have written, fascism is not running a business selling quality goods at a low cost.
The National Socialist German Workers Party was nationalist, socialist, and pro-worker. Here are the 25 points of the Nazis-- the unifying idea is written as "COMMON GOOD BEFORE INDIVIDUAL GOOD." Plank 21 has national health care, plank 20 has national education, plank 15 has social security, plank 13 has the nationalization of all trusts, plank 12 denounces war profiteers-- if we could disguise the anti-Jew crap as anti-Zionism like the modern left does, it would be difficult to tell them apart.
Consider where the word fascism comes from. Mussolini, who began his career as a hardcore socialist, wrote that the proletariat should unite "in one formidable fascio (bundle), preparatory to seizing power."
The Austrian economist Friedrich von Hayek probably best explained why socialist experiments always go wrong, why big government makes it easy for ambitious strongmen to take over and so forth. Ironically, making this kind of prudential argument for limited government and Rule of Law instead of centralization and judicial activism will get you called a "fascist" today.
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