I don't understand what is going on.
You have the Democrats saying whatever they think will get them power:
Democrats Assail Bush's N. Korea Policy
It was a Democratic President who gave them the knowledge to create the bomb in the first place!!!!!!
After my head stopped spinning from that story, I read this:
Poll: Democratic candidates open large lead in congressional races
So, people are changing their minds about Republicans because one guy is a scum bag, yet they stand up and cheer with just the mention of a man who cheated on his wife and lied under oath.
So I tell myself I need to take a nap before I get a migraine....but unfortunately I see this before I go:
Ted Turner says he can't pick sides in War on Terror
which reminds me how looney toons liberals are....
So I take it all in...
Democrats are mad at Bush for not being able to stop North Korea from using the technology that the lead Democrat gave them...
People want to vote for Democrats because they only like sex with little boys and sex with interns when Democrats do it....
And I finish it off seeing liberals not sure which is worse, terrorists or America...and I pass out
Monday, October 09, 2006
The twilight zone
Posted by
The Game
7:22 PM
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I think you are a bit confused on the history here. My guess is that you have never actually read anything on the history itself, just whatever NewsMin and News Buttsters says.
Maybe you shoul read this for some perspective.
Game probably won't but I'm thinking Marshall might give it a try. He's curious.
this isn't even a tough one...
In 1994, the Clinton administration signed an agreement with North Korea: "the US agreed to move immediately toward a normalized political and economic relationship with North Korea" which resulted in North Korea freezing their plutonium enrichment program. In exchange, "the Clinton administration agreed that within six months of the October 1994 accord, it would organize an international consortium and sign a contract to build light water nuclear reactors for North Korea. Until the construction was completed, the US and its partners would supply North Korea with energy in the form of fuel oil shipments."
Do you have a clue at all Jim?
Clinton gave them permission, they gave the green light...liberal stupidity did this one...
you can link anything you want blaming Bush for not taking care of ANOTHER Clinton mess...this is a no brainer...must be why its hard for you to understand
I am just amazed at how stupid some can be...that like blaming America for terrorism, which jim, rhyno and ron do in one way or another...
more comments on the stupid notion that because Bush didn't clean up another one of Clinton's messes, its Bush's fault:
Clinton Deal Gave N. Korea 100-Nuke-Per-Year Capacity
Light water nuclear reactors provided to North Korea under a 1994 deal negotiated by the Clinton administration have the capacity to generate enough nuclear fuel to produce almost 100 nuclear bombs per year, a 1999 congressional study warned.
Yes, Clinton can still be talked about since he put every single important decision off for others to take care of...I was saying it for years...I did not wait until all the shit he didn't do hit the fan...
I'm sure people who can think will appreciate the comments and quotes...
Once again, you do not know what you are talking about, Game. Because you just read NewsMins misleading pieces of the story and not the whole story. What you have quoted here is true. Your conlusion IS NOT.
Read my link and then come back and explain how Clinton left a mess for Bush to clean up. Read my link, then I'll listen to your obsessive Clinton-hating rant if you have the sources to back it up.
"Oct. 21, 1994, the United States and North Korea signed a formal accord based on those outlines, called the Agreed Framework. Under its terms, North Korea would renew its commitment to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, lock up the fuel rods, and let the IAEA inspectors back in to monitor the facility. In exchange, the United States, with financial backing from South Korea and Japan, would provide two light-water nuclear reactors for electricity (explicitly allowed under the NPT), a huge supply of fuel oil, and a pledge not to invade North Korea."
"The accord also specified that, upon delivery of the first light-water reactor (the target date was 2003), intrusive inspections of suspected North Korean nuclear sites would begin. After the second reactor arrived, North Korea would ship its fuel rods out of the country. It would essentially give up the ability to build nuclear weapons."
Read it. And liberals don't blame America for terrorism. However, the do understand that some US policies, right or wrong, can incite terrorism. It's a really simple concept, actually.
I just skimmed the link since it's late, but this was right at the beginning...
"Thanks to an agreement brokered by the Clinton administration, the rods were locked in a storage facility under the monitoring of international weapons-inspectors."
Major red flag for me. And then later in the piece, the author speaks of dealing with "a madman" and of course, Kim went ahead and broke the agreement and got the rods. So Bubba thought that this madman was buying into the Slick Willie charm, but was shown to be a fool. Seems to me that that was the initial US fuck up right there. Everything else is clean up. I think the bottom line here is that as in P2911, we see that both admins fell short of handling N Korea in the best possible way.
wow, marshall is back and common sense returns to the thread
However, it's always been a Democratic governor who's gotten us out of crises with N. Korea... usually without being asked, he just did it.
Maybe we should call on him again?
Clinton got suckered and gave nuclear tech to North Korea. You can't pin this on Bush my friend. Democrats are the ones that think people like Saddam Hussein can be trusted with agreements, diplomacy, and negotiations, not us.
In North Korea, we see the results of your foreign policy vision. The same thing would have happened in Iraq, and the same thing will happen in Iran if Republicans let themselves be politically bullied by misguided blame-the-west do-gooders.
Did you read the part that the 1994 Republic Congress refused to keep up the US part of the deal which gave NK the license to break their part of the deal?
I'd really like to hear your solution to the NK situation and how you would have handled it differently. And I'd like your explanation of how the Bush administration is handling it so much better.
Some more perspective from Talking Points Memo:
Some basic facts.
The 1994 crisis came about because the North Koreans were producing weapons-grade plutonium. Under the Agreed Framework, they agreed to shutter the plutonium production facility and put the already produced plutonium under international oversight.
In return, the US promised aide, help building lightwater reactors (which don't help with bombs) and diplomatic normalization.
That agreement kept the plutonium operation on ice until the end of 2002.
President Bush came to office wanting to pull out of the agreement and did so when evidence surfaced suggesting that the North Koreans were secretly trying to enrich uranium (a separate path to the bomb).
The bomb that went off yesterday was made with plutonium, the same stuff that was off-limits from 1994-2002. In all likelihood some of the same stuff that was on ice from 1994-2002.
To the best of my knowledge, no one thinks the North Koreans are close to having enough uranium to make a nuclear weapon that way. And it's not even completely clear they were ever trying to enrich uranium.
So Clinton strikes a deal to keep plutonium out of the North Koreans' hands. The deal keeps the plutonium out of reach for the last six years of Clinton's term and the first two of Bush's. Bush pulls out of the deal. Four years later a plutonium bomb explodes.
Clinton's fault, right?
There's certainly an argument to be made that you don't make agreements with parties you don't trust, like the North Koreans. And perhaps President Bush would have had some leg to stand on if he'd pulled out of the Agreed Framework and replaced it with something better -- either force or a better agreement. But he didn't. He just did nothing for four years. Now we have plutonium, probably uranium and actual bombs.
Here's some more from Talking Points Memo:
But let's review the salient facts one more time.
"Failure" =1994-2002 -- Era of Clinton 'Agreed Framework': No plutonium production. All existing plutonium under international inspection. No bomb.
"Success" = 2002-2006 -- Bush Policy Era: Active plutonium production. No international inspections of plutonium stocks. Nuclear warhead detonated.
Face it. They ditched an imperfect but working policy. They replaced it with nothing. Now North Korea is a nuclear state.
Facts hurt. So do nukes.
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