Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Obama calls for troop withdrawal in 6 months

Is this what the American people want?
Do you see this...Dem's pretended that they were not "cut and run"...now their new pretty boy wants to run away, and another old guy wants to start up the same draft that people like Dean said Bush would have to enact...

Then in Wisconsin...The Dem governor who got re-elected said he had a balanced budget...to a liberal running for office, balanced means over a billion dollars short...grab your wallets and safety America


jhbowden said...

Obama is waaaay off base here.

Syria and Iran are among the top sponsors of terrorism in the world today. And they aren't going to cooperate for free. What are we going to give them when we negotiate? Will we agree not to destroy Iran's nuclear program? Will we demand Israel give Syria the Golan Heights?

And it isn't just Democrats that are embracing this insanity lately.

Marshal Art said...

A caller on a radio show had it down fairly well. He suggested that to hold talks with nations that sponsor terrorist groups, as does Syria, is to reward them and legitimize them. I agree with this. I agree also that we should isolate them further and support any efforts to change leadership, and perhaps military intervention should they continue to back the Islamofascists.

I would also like to know how those like Obama get their intel to come to these conclusions. I don't recall any trips out of the country except to his father's village. Where did he have time to study all the minutia and "nuance" of the WOT? He gets minor points for actually having something you could call an alternative, but none for the alternative itself. Nor am I keen on the negative rhetoric when speaking about our progress thus far, though it's way too much to expect any recognition for the accomplishments by our military and the coalition forces. If he keeps this up, he's going to blow what little capital he has from just being a young black man. It's beginning to look like the best route for him is to stay quiet, or if he must speak, use the usual Democratic vaguaries and ambiguities.