Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What are you thankful for?

Fred has something similar on his blog...and I would like to do it here as well...

What are you thankful for?

I am VERY thankful for my wonderful wife and fantastic family


jhbowden said...

Well, I was thankful for having McNabb on my fantasy football team, but now he's toast and I'll have to fight for that playoff spot.

Anonymous said...

Thankful for a healthy daughter, and the freedom to show my excessive distaste for our president without reprisal.

Dedanna said...

My daughter. My grandson. My son's father. My son.

Would be a helluva lot more thankful if I had a job though.

Anonymous said...

My family, my job, my health, and the fact that I'm still single and can mingle!


Poison Pero said...

Being born into this great country we live in.......Warts and all.

My wife and daughters......Mothers (birth and step), brother and sister, and friends.

Dropping out of college and joining the Air Force......The education I received in the military and in the "real world" is much greater than anything I could have ever gotten in a university.........This goes for life skills as well as work skills.

Anonymous said...

Scorpion says---
I am thankful for my patient wonderful wife. I am truly thankful
for my awesome sons and their great
wives.I'm thankful for the ability
to wake up each day in the greatest
country in the world.This remains the case no matter what good humor
is posted at RIGHT FROM THE RIGHT for my enjoyment on a regular basis.HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all!!!

Pal said...

I am thankful for
a) my husband who has
b) a good paying, if stressful job that
c) allows me to not work so I can take care of our home and mutts and
d) allowed me to take care of his sister's toddlers while she was in the hospital for a month
e) recovering from a ruptured brain aneurysm
f) and it looks like she won't have any lasting effects.

I'm also thankful I have a great family and wish I could have spent the holiday with them.