Saturday, December 16, 2006

Iran offers to transfer nuke technology

Lets review the liberal strategy:
Let's talk to them and become friends...
Jim and Ron will come here and say that is not the strategy because it seems so stupid and dangerous for the entire world...
But then we have Democratic Senators going to the Middle East to "talk" to terrorist.
Do you understand after they are done talking to you they laugh their asses off at how stupid you are?
Bad guys have been using liberals stupidity against the United States for quite awhile now. Thank God you were not around in current form in WWII.
The USA is slowly deteriorating from liberalism. From immigration policy, to socialist blood sucking social programs, to foreign policy.
And since liberals have no idea how the actual world works, they don't understand anything I am saying...
Lets just hope the little power the correct side has is enough to stop evil in the world.


Jim said...

Game, why do you hate America? Maybe you should move.

Jason, speak for yourself because none of what you say applies to me or my beliefs. I'll let Ron and Jay speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Ummm, there were some pretty big liberals in charge during WWII.

The Game said...

I hate what liberals are doing to America and the world...
you wasted 10 seconds of my life, thanks