Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Milwaukee and Murder

As I was driving to work I heard a story on the radio saying that Milwaukee had the highest increase in murder in the nation.
Then the Democrat mayor Tom Barrett had a sound bite saying that their is too much poverty and unemployment.
I am so sick of this way of thinking. Being poor doesn't make you kill someone. Living in a certain area doesn't make you kill someone.
It is liberals blaming society, racism and EVERYONE else but the actual people involved. I teach the community that commits a vast majority of these murders. Maybe if they came to school and learned they could get a job. Maybe if they had a community and family that supported them, then they would be successful.
THAT is the problem.
Why can't we admit the real problem?
Because no one knows how to solve it.
So we try to find money to give people things, that is an easy fix....but it doesn't fix anything.


jhbowden said...

The Democrats will never blame government programs and avant-garde moral views for the chaos ***their own policies*** create.

Traditional morality and free enterprise are things to be overcome in the socialist worldview. The left sees these as instrinsically sinful and no amount of evidence will ever show them otherwise.

Dedanna said...

Not to blow anyone's day or to go OTT here, but it seems from a new story (53 minutes ago) that there's been a severe blast in downtown Milwaukee -- for those there please stay in and check on friends, neighbors, etc.

Dedanna said...

30 injured, btw.

Ron said...

Game, I understand what you are saying and to an extent agree but let me ask you something....
What makes you a good and responsible person? Magic?

The Game said...

being raised family, my community...that helps a lot...