Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Santa Hat-Wearing Bus Driver Allowed to Keep Job

A Santa hat-wearing school bus driver on Long Island, N.Y., has won the right to keep wearing his festive headgear, Newsday reported.Kenneth Mott, who keeps a long, white beard, almost lost his job after a parent called the bus management to complain. Mott, who has worn the red and white hat every Christmas since he started with the Bauman & Sons bus company five years ago, was ordered to stop wearing the hat because a child didn't believe in Santa Claus and was bothered by the hat."

I said, 'What, are you kidding me?'" Mott recalled. "I thought it was a big joke," Newsday reported.However, after Mott told other parents he might be fired for wearing the hat, supervisors changed their stance and said he could continue to wear the hat.

This story reminds us of so many things.
1st...Our society babies kids. So what if one kid doesn't believe in Santa and is bothered by it. What happens when that kid has a REAL problem in life.

2nd...Why does ONE parent get to decide what happens in the lives of hundreds of kids? It's nice to see the silent majority win one every once and awhile.

3rd...American traditions and nice extras in life are under constant attack. We can't do or say anything anymore, because ONE person might get instead we make everything as boring and non-offensive as possible. Our parents talk about a better time, one reason it was better is because we didn't have so many cry babies and so many people with "hurt feelings" ruining nice things for everyone else.


Jim said...

Nice to see that the liberal parents got together with conservative parents and got the school authorities to change their silly minds.

Neo-Con Tastic said...

How nice of them to allow him to wear his hat. God forbid he offends someone with a Santa Claus hat.

Did I just say God?!? I'm in trouble.

Dedanna said...

Love the av, tastic. I have it on my desktop lol.