Monday, February 05, 2007

McCain: War detractors offer no ideas

Sen. John McCain sought to weaken support for a resolution opposing President Bush's Iraq war strategy Sunday, saying proponents are intellectually dishonest.

"I don't think it's appropriate to say that you disapprove of a mission and you don't want to fund it and you don't want it to go, but yet you don't take the action necessary to prevent it," said McCain, top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee and a 2008 presidential candidate from Arizona.

Liberals are starting to call for an end to the war. Well, once you start something you should finish it. Liberals keep making us weaker and making our enemies stronger. I think there is a very good argument to make saying that our enemies and liberals are on the same side. Both want us to lose in Iraq and leave. If I am wrong offer an alternative. The best thing you got is leaving. You can call it whatever you want, leaving does not finish the job. I understand most liberals are used to others doing things for them (government), but when you ARE the government, you have to put away your inherent and natural desire to be mediocre and a failure.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called GOP efforts to block a vote on the resolution "obstructionism." Neither a Senate majority nor voters, she said, will tolerate such a delaying tactic.

Hold on...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Is this not what Democrats did over and over and over for YEARS. Why don't you just shut up and take some of your own medicine. And back when the GOP was trying to get votes on judges there were well over 50 senators who wanted to vote for the candidate, and now, when things are 51 to 49 liberals want the GOP to just shut up and be quiet. Well, liberals like Feinstein probably do think they should get their way, because if they are in the majority or not, what they think is correct. THEY know what is best for every American, that is why they want to tax all your money away from you and put American corporation profits into funds that they control because they are intellectual liberals. So America, just shut up. Liberals are in charge now and they will fix everything...


Jim said...

"Liberals offer no alternatives." "Liberals want us to lose". "Liberals don't want victory."

Conservatives constantly, CONSTANTLY claim that Democrats and liberals offer no alternatives. The truth is that they have offered several alternatives. Conservatives simply ignore them and then claim they don't exist. They put their hands over their ears and loudly sing "la-la-la-la-la."

The problem is that Bush has created an Iraq that is FUBAR. There ARE no good alternatives, so why do you expect the Democrats to provide some magic bullet to get Bush out of the hole he has dug for himself and the country.

What is victory? You keep crying about victory and success and yet you never realistically define it. You want a secure and stable Iraq and yet you don't want milestones or time tables. Victory at what price? Any price?

If in the end it takes 20 years and 25,000 US deaths and 150,000 US casualties to create a secure and stable Iraq, is that victory?

PCD said...

Jim, cut and run is not a solution. YOu are one of those morons how can't get beyond your own prejudices. I suppose you think if someone was beating on you that if you just went home and hid under your bed that your attacker would stop trying to kill you.

Marshal Art said...

Victory has been defined over and over again as that point at which Iraq doesn't need our help to secure their own country. How dare libs demand a fixed timetable for something that is impacted in so many ways. What is the limit for doing what is right and necessary? And just what alternatives beyond leaving have the Dems offered? There have been none. Leaving is retreating. Retreating is losing. Americans don't want to be losers despite the fact that the left have so many amongst them. True alternatives would include the word "victory" in it somehow. When one of Jim's buffoonish Dems can come up with such a plan, I'm sure it will get the respect the left thinks they had coming for their cut and run ideas. In the meantime, they should STFU and stop interfering while the adults are working.

Jim said...

Marshall, what if "that point at which Iraq doesn't need our help to secure their own country" would come quicker if US troops were moved out of Iraq? What if Iraqis stood up because the HAVE TO stand up? What if US presence exacerbates the violence (as the Iraq Study Group and the NIE said)? At what point does refusing to consider or implement a policy which could reduce the violence become an immovable roadblock to "victory" as you have defined it?

The Bush administration has said and tried a lot of things to get us into this mess and to end it. Nothing they have done has worked. Why do you continue to trust them to make things better considering their dismal record?

And how much are YOU really willing to pay in US lives and US treasure to reach "that point at which Iraq doesn't need our help to secure their own country"? 10,000? 25,000? 50,000? 100,000?

jhbowden said...


If the war in Iraq is so bad, and the neo-cons are unequivocally wrong, then your heroic Democrats would PULL THE PLUG. You guys have the House AND the Senate, after all.

This is where your nuanced shades of gray compromise and see the other side view of reality amuses me. Democrats have the majority, but still feel the need to accomodate the conservative point of view.

This feature of liberalism gives me hope about accomplishing conservative goals, even with liberals in office. But it causes me great angst when I look at the enemies of humanity, since we've seen the literal result of diplomacy with Hitler before.

If in the end it takes 20 years and 25,000 US deaths and 150,000 US casualties to create a secure and stable Iraq, is that victory?

A secure, stable, and democratic Iraq is victory, yes. What you really want to ask is the parochial question -- are Americans more valuable than other human beings? Democrats are closer to reactionaries like Pat Buchanan on this these days-- they would answer in the affirmative.

Jim said...

I take it then, that you are prepared to pay ANY price, decimate our military, break our treasury, accept the death of 100s of thousands of American lives so that people who pretty much hate us, who are engaged in a continuing 1,500 year tribal war should reach that "point at which Iraq doesn't need our help to secure their own country." You are willing to pay ANY price for this?

Whatever happened to the conservative principle of self-reliance and accountability? That doesn't apply to those whose religion you say is bent on creating a caliphate? Only to the lower class in America?

Marshal Art said...

If the lower class in America were being blown up on a daily basis, or kidnapped and buchered, or raped or any of the myriad other indignities suffered by the people of Iraq since Hussein took over, and as a result of the current sectarian trouble, I'd support the same type of intervention we are providing in Iraq. So think harder before comparing apples and oranges.

There are plenty of people who want us in Iraq aside from their elected officials. You and yours prefer to ignore them in favor of the rantings of the very assholes we are fighting against. As to what cost should we be willing to pay, I'll go with JFK who said we'd pay any price and bear any burden in the spread of freedom. Is it or is it not a worthy goal? Are you going to give credence to the assholes who would seek to stop us and pretend they speak for the whole of the people of Iraq? Are you willing to risk the downside of withdrawal, the escalation of the sectarian power struggles, the rush by mo-foes like Iran and/or Syria to step in and take control of one of the largest oil reserves in the world? Just what do you think they'd do with all that oil wealth? Leave the world alone? Are you that naive? Your head is buried I know not where, but you'd best pull it out and take a look around. I just can't believe how little it takes for the left to bail the moment there seems to be effort and discipline required! In the grand scheme of things, our current struggles are nothing compared to what awaits after the next show of yellow by the United States. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING exacerbates the situation as does any sign that we might be ready to split before the job is done. They're thinking right now that if they can spill a little more blood, we'll boogey. Anything that looks like they've outlasted us is victory to those assholes. Get a freakin' clue.

Marshal Art said...

Did I spell "boogey" right? It looks wrong.

The Game said...

Jim's comments are the reason why we need to keep a Republican in the White House. With someone like Hillary there, our military will be destroyed by the President (like Clinton), we will become week to the rest of the work (like with Cater, and this is what liberals want anyway) and we will cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands by running away like pussies (vietnam)

Jim said...

OK, I think we have established here that you are willing for Americans to pay ANY PRICE to justify what Bush has done.


PCD said...


Are you an escaped mental patient?