Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Illegal Families Face Increased Deportations

Only comment that can be made about this is.........good.

But here is the New York Times spreading propaganda trying to make it seem like all illegal immigrants just want to come here to work...that they are good for our economy and country.

Intelligent people who like this country understand that illegal immigrants destroy our public school system, cause much more crime per capita, are more likely to be in gangs, cripple our social services and health care, ect....

This is why the liberal media is so dangerous. They spin the news and try and change public opinion without showing both sides. For ever story they talk about, there should be 10 showing the devastating effects of illegal immigration...

If you are a liberal who just says things and because they make you feel good or sound good they are automatically fact...click on the illegal immigration link for many, many facts...


The Game said...

I like what you are saying in 3 and 4...
but in reality all others should be done...period...
Especially 7...you get rid of all illegals and anyone who thinks its okay they are here...America would be rid of a great percentage of its problems

Scorpion said...

What part of ILLEGAL doesn't the Milwaukee "Urinal" understand?The toilet paper front page story about how wonderful the misguided marches are,and listing bozo businesses that are closing in support of this farce is sickening.
It is time to stop supporting and patronizing businesses and politicians who aren't smart enough
to understand what ILLEGAL is and means to those who abide by the law
and follow guidelines and rules.

Anonymous said...

What do we want? DEPORTATION!
When do we want it? NOW!!!!

PCD said...


Is that for Illegals or for Ted Thompson?